Monday, October 24, 2011

Autumn Walk

Hello Everyone,
     We have had such a beautiful autumn this year,so we are enjoying some lovely long walks.As often happens my camera came along too!
  The one above is from a walk around the home where my Mom lives and the foxes around there are used to being fed so this little fox was not at all afraid of me even though I had no food for him.

On another day we went for a walk around town so the homes above are in Charlottetown.

The pond in this mosaic is our own pond just down from our house.

 My husband is enjoying a lovely autumn walk-not sure if he loves the camera though!Ha!Ha!

I hope you too, are enjoying some lovely autumn walks.

Take care,


  1. Hi Carolyn
    I really enjoyed the pictures in your latest post. Especially that fox who posed for you.
    Just wanted to thank you for the plants you gave me this spring. Especially the monkshood - that deep purple is stunning in the mellow fall light!

  2. What a beautiful walk...I loved the fox!

  3. What stunning beauty you are surrounded with! And foxes scampering about as plentiful as squirrels in more common places! Lovely! Thanks so much for sharing the quaint scenery of your sweet home!


  4. Wow! What a wonderful walk!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Beautiful photos. I am in awe of the colours of Fall. Cute fox, too and am happy he is being fed.

  6. Great great photos! Thank you for all the beauty you share with us all the time.

  7. dear Carolyn
    These photos are beautiful .....
    I love nature!

  8. I absolutely love the photos you've posted... how absolutely wonderful to be able to enjoy so much beauty! Larry

  9. Hi Carolyn!

    I cannot wait to experience that walk for myself next fall! Oh, the idyllic beauty of Prince Edward Island! What pretty fall photos...

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  10. Love those fall colours. Beautiful picture of the fox; it's as if he's posing for the picture.

  11. What a beautiful shot of that Fox..He really liked you! The whole town looks like it was put there for you to photograph and show us..I love every picture..
    thanks for going on those walks..
    and never forget that camera!

  12. Hi Carolyn, Beautiful shots!!!! Hubbies sweater fits into the autumn themed mosaics. Take care and have a great week:)

  13. Lovely photos Carolyn! This has been a very nice fall this year and I have enjoyed getting out for a lot of walks with the dog. We both need the exercise! I love that photo of the stone house. We may be getting some wet snow here on Friday morning. I may get some interesting photos if it does.
    Enjoy the rest of the week.

  14. Lovely photos, Carolyn, what a wonderful place to walk. My husband doesn't appreciate me taking photos of him, he does not like to appear on my blog, either.

  15. Lovely walk Carolyn. Fabulous fox shot!! I love the little islands in your pond. Enjoy the season. Carol


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
