Monday, October 31, 2011

Farewell My Garden

Hello everyone,
    We had a lot of rain and wind here yesterday but many areas had their first snowfall.I wonder if that is a sign of what kind of a winter we will have. Last year we had a green Christmas so I am hoping for early December snow but not necessarily before then! Speaking of Christmas last year I had a Christmas blog that I started early in November but all the photos accidentally got deleted so on the weekend I spent some time trying to put them back on but I haven't decided yet whether to have a separate blog for Christmas or not.
Hope I am not the only one thinking about Christmas before October is over!
Anyway,today it is time to bid goodbye to our garden for another season. Much of the cleanup is done and the roses will have to be banked in the next couple of weeks so my days of going out to the garden and picking a bouquet are past,except for the late blooming monkshood , the sedum and some hydrangea blossoms everything else has been cut down.So one day last week I picked the last of blooms in the garden.

Farewell my garden-I will look forward to seeing you again come spring! For everything there is a season and I don't mind having a break from the garden chores for awhile as I look forward to a new season of beauty as the garden becomes covered in the  pristine  beauty of snow!  

Macro shots of feverfew and the Fairy rose

Blue campanula
I hope all the little ones have a safe and fun filled halloween tonight!

I am joining the house in the roses for Show off Your Cottage Monday.

Thank you for stopping by.



  1. I still have a good deal to do in the way of clearing my garden, some has been done but more hasn't:) It's still very mild and grey here though so hopefully I still have a week or two to work on it. I'm already thinking of Christmas as I have all the ingredients now to make my Christmas cake and mincemeat which will be done during this week. I always enjoy reading Christmas blogs so I hope you do decide to do one.

  2. Oh, Carolyn, a fond adieu to your beautiful blooms. They brought much joy to sooooo many people. Let the garden now rest in sweet peace until next spring. Susan

  3. I love every picture you made!


  4. Even though it's late fall your flowers are beautiful!
    Hope you have a nice day.
    Love Elzie

  5. You are lucky to still have such a variety at this time of year. Here on the prairies our blooms were done before Thanksgving.


  6. Oh Carolyn - such gorgeous photos of the last beautiful blooms in your garden! Simply amazing. Happy Monday!

  7. It is always so sad seeing the garden fade away--it ranks right up there with taking the holiday decorations down for depressing!
    I have so enjoyed all the garden shots these last few years.
    Happy Halloween to you!

  8. Dearest Carolyn,

    You at least had a fabulous last harvest from your garden. It did yield well. Yeah, your seasons are a lot shorter than here in the south but the climate and soil type in your area is by far the winner for a beautiful flower garden. Enjoy the last flowers and your macro photos are stunning! Don't loose any more...
    Love to you,


  9. Hi Carolyn!

    Looove your covered pumpkin dish - so creamy white!

    We escaped the snow here today, but they did have enough of it in central Newfoundland to close the schools! Imagine, a 'snow day' on Halloween. That's highly unusual. I don't imagine we'll see many trick-or-treaters at our door this night as it is so cold and damp and windy outside. Brrrr....

    You KNOW that I am thinking of Christmas! LOL There are many 'teaser' pics in the sidebar of my blog that have been there for awhile now. So, from here on in, it's Christmas all the way! Jingle bels, jingle bells...LOL


    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  10. It is sad to say goodbye to the garden but I do agree with you a break is wonderful. A time to reflect on the past season and dream of the coming season. Hope you have a wonderful day. Take care, Jen.

  11. I always have the hardest time putting my gardens to bed, Carolyn. I would much rather spend my days out there than inside doing housework. lol! As always, your flowers, your photos....just beautiful! Here's hoping and praying for a short, easy winter!

    xoxo laurie

  12. Carolyn, we'll all miss the beauty of your garden, but you share beauty with us in so many ways year round.

    We have had our first freeze, so all of our roses are finished for the year, too. Our camellias are just beginning to bloom.

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  14. Beautiful!! Your macro shots are gorgeous!

    There's a bittersweet feeling as we put our gardens to bed each fall ... bidding them goodbye until spring returns.

  15. I've been so busy all week and stopping by your blog makes me smile and be glad it is FRIDAY! Have a great weekend oxo

  16. You've captured the blooms with such excellence. Always a joy to visit your page. Thank you!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
