Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tea with the Little Ones!

                                                                           Hello everyone,
      We are still having beautiful weather here although the evenings are cooler. I love all the sunshine that we are getting in September with more to come.
   A couple of weeks ago I took these photos of my youngest daughters little ones when they came for a visit.We had a little tea party in the garden 'cottage'.
                                           Noah is carefully pouring the tea for his little sister Lila.

                                                                    Cute shoes, Lila!

                                                             Lila loves a tea party!

Their Mama looks like she is enjoying it too!
                                                Noah had enough tea and wanted a cuddle instead!

                                                 The cute little transferware teacups came home with me
                                                  from England a few years ago.

Well, that was tea with Noah and Lila. Pretty soon it will be time for their Halloween tea party -that's always fun!
Once again I am joining Tea Time Tuesday at Sandi's Rose Chintz Cottage.
Hope your week is going well.



  1. Your little grandchildren are just precious. How delightful for you to share this special time with them and your beautiful daughter. September weather has been the best of the summer I think. Enjoy the rest of the week. Blessings, Pamela

  2. What a beautiful family you have Carolyn!

  3. I agree with Barbara, Carolyn! You all have movie-star looks! I always love seeing the children's tea parties.

    Smuggling teacups from England, hey? I always seem to manage bringing them in my carry-on luggage... something else we have in common! Haha

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  4. Awe, they are so adorable, Carolyn. Little Lila is sure growing. She's already a little lady now. Her brother looks like such a little gentleman pouring her tea for her. Sweet tea party. Thanks for sharing it with Tea Time.


  5. How sweet are they!!!! I miss having little people in our lives, so special, thanks for sharing, Laura Cottage and Broome

  6. I LOVE this Carolyn! Your little Lila and Noah AND their mama are beautiful! I love the sweet teas that you create for your little ones. They must LOVE coming to your house. I think we are so lucky to have all our children around us once in awhile don't you?
    sending hugs...

  7. Dear Carolyn,

    Such a precious post and lovely, memory making tea party with little Lila and Noah and their exceptionally beautiful momma!

    ~ You are so blessed to have your grand children and daughter being able to visit with you. What a pretty., pretty, exceptionally charming tea party as usual!

    Hugs from Wanda Lee

  8. So sweet Carolyn..the children..the setting..the clothes..and the mommy:) What a beautiful girl.

    You must dream of them when they are not there.

  9. Nothing like a tea party with grandchildren ... not only fun but teaching them about the finer things in life! It's good to start early!

  10. Dear Carolyn, How is it that each time I visit you my eyes get watery? These images of sweet moments with your precious grandchildren and your beautiful daughter are so dear. I am sure it must be pure magic to be a part of your clan. Lovely beyond words really!

  11. love your photos!! kids are lovely :) they remind me my granddaughter!! kisses ♥♥♥

  12. Hi Carolyn,

    How much fun this must have been for all of you! I can remember I used to love tea parties like this too. Your grandchildren are very lucky to have you as their grandmother!

    Wish you a lovely day!


  13. There is something so special about little ones having tea.

    - The Tablescaper


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
