Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Sunroom

Hello everyone,
     The weather has turned more fallish her the last few days and we have had a touch of frost so I started to fluff up the sunroom a little bit as it is a nice place to sit for a bit on a cool but sunny day.
   I decided to put these two smaller wicker chairs in here for the winter this year. They were on the veranda all summer but I made a few changes there too for the fall.

I bought this little dresser at a yard sale earlier in the summer and it fits nicely under the old cabinet on the wall.
It is a good spot for a cup of tea.
Some late summer roses from our garden.

Some china in the cabinet.
I seem to have little stashes of china all over the house!

I love my new hatbox that I bought in Maine.

Well,that is my little sunroom fluffed up a little for those cooler days when it is too chilly to enjoy my tea time outdoors. This is the time of year that I start moving back indoors so I always like to make a few little changes inside to cozy things up a  bit more.

Today I am joining the house in the roses for Show off your cottage Monday.

Enjoy your day!



  1. Your sunroom is so beautiful! I think we share a love of roses and china!

  2. Three words for your sun room with wicker chairs...
    1. Cozy
    2. Serene
    3. Sweetness

    Thanks for sharing such a beautiful spot. Wish I could come and sip some tea with you there!
    Blessings & hugs,

  3. Oh Carolyn, loved looking at the shots of the sunroom. Soooo pretty. That flower-covered hatbox you got in Maine is absolutely charming. take care. Susan

  4. So so pretty! I love stopping over your place Carolyn!

  5. You are always generous with your pictures for all of us to enjoy and admire! I see you have the English Gardening magazine on the table. I love that magazine especially during our cold winters.
    Your china collection is you, it's owner. :-)

  6. I love your sunroom and the cabinet with your china. The hatbox is so pretty and feminine. I love hatboxes! I can just imagine you sitting here on cool, sunny days.

  7. what a lovely space. I love your new dresser with the wall cabinet, all of the pretty dishes, and wonderful lace. All elegant and you!

  8. You have outdone yourself again Carolyn! Very pretty indeed! Last night we attended a fundraiser in our community and they served Lobster flown in from PEI and we were napping our toes to some good old fiddle music too! Brought back so many good memories of our trip to your Island three years ago... Have a great week!


  9. What a gorgeous sunroom- so inviting- I love all the beautiful dishes with the touch of pink that adds a real elegance about it.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Warmest regards,

  10. Carolyn I never tire of seeing your beautiful photos!

    Your sunroom is just beautiful and the perfect place for a cup of tea with a friend.

    bee blessed

  11. I would love to LIVE in that room. Where did the teacup with the beading come from? I love it!

  12. Delightful room , so peaceful and timeless...✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

  13. Que belleza!! Tienes unos rincones preciosos!!
    Tienen muchisimo encanto.

  14. Your sunroom is so beautiful. Very restful and serene. I could spend hours there with a good book and a cup of tea! Have a happy day!

    God Bless,

  15. Din udestue er smuk og dejlig lys :-) Fine lyse feminine ting.

  16. So pretty, cosy and usual!

    Hi Carolyn, how are you?


  17. Your photos are always inspiring and refreshing. Here we are welcoming cooler temperatures for a change, though I know you hate to see your summer leave.

  18. Dear Carolyn,

    What a pretty dresser you found! It looks perfect in your sun room. Temperatures in Holland are dropping slowly too, but fortunately we haven't had any frost yet. I hope it will stay away for a little while longer.

    Wish you a happy new week!

    Madelief x

  19. So glad I stopped by this afternoon and looked for your blog with my tea. Your Sunroom is beautiful! Love, Love, Love...china, linens& lace, and Roses....

  20. Oh, certainly know how to create beautiful vignettes. :) I adore the way you mix fabrics and patterns. Your sunroom is so sweet and cozy!

    xoxo laurie

  21. This looks so great -- I love it!

  22. Everything looks so lovely around here dear Carolyn.... just dreamy. Thanks for sharing your sunroom with us at Show Off Your Cottage Monday


  23. I would just love to sit a spell. Maybe even tilt my head back, shut my eyes, and take a quick snooze. I'm at ease just looking at your beautiful sunroom : )


  24. I bought same this little dresser at a yard sale earlier in the summer and it fits nicely under the old cabinet on the wall.
    Great to sharing such a beautiful spot.
    western movies

  25. Your sunroom is so cozy! Love your hatbox! Beautiful roses, teacups, and linens. Such a peaceful spot to sit and sip a cup of tea. Lovely day we're having, eh?


  26. Je n'aime pas.....non, j'ADORE ton blog!

  27. Even if is gets more fallish your photos sure smells summer to me. A beautiful place for sure.
    Love Elzie

  28. Oh darling Carolyn, your sunroom is dreamy! As always full of your delicate romantic style!
    Thank you for your lovely comment! I think that is an honour for me that my home is featured in the same magazine of your marvelous home!!
    Have a wonderful day

  29. Your "old cabinet on the wall" is filled with so many treasures. Just wonderful.

    - The Tablescaper


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
