Friday, September 30, 2011

A Frosty Morn

Hello everyone,
     Although we have had many beautiful warm sunny days this month ,we have had a white frost a couple of nights.So,early in the morning I went out with my camera to take a few shots of the garden etc. The photo above is from the dock my husband built over our new pond. I like how there is a mist rising from the water.Because the pond is new the water is still brown so it will be next year before it clears up-so I like it in sepia tones better this year.
I like the sunlight shining through the trees with the mist coming off the water in the background.

The roses look so pretty with a touch of frost and a light frost doesn't hurt them-they will still keep blooming until we get a hard frost.

The limelight hydrangea is turning pink.
This double peach daylily is still blooming.

Well, that was my first frosty morn of the season. Last night we had a warm rain but today the sun is shining and it is going up to 22 degrees Celsius.We are really enjoying all the sunshine as we did have a lot of rain in the summer.

Today I am joining My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday again.

I hope you have a wonderful day!



  1. Carolyn, your frosty morning pics are so pretty! Have a wonderful w-end oxox :)

  2. Lovely pics!!. Thanks a lot for this wonderfuls images!. :)

  3. I wish these pictures were in a book!They are gorgeous! How lovely it would be to look through them during the next season approaching fast! Carolyn, what will we do without our gardening?
    Hugs Rosemary...

  4. I love the photos of the frost edging the roses. So pretty. Your pond is lovely and that dock with the chairs and the hammock in the trees - what a spot to relax! We haven't had frost here yet and are loving this sunny and warm weather although there's rain on the way for the weekend. Take care. Pamela

  5. You live in paradise...

    Thank heavens you share it :-)

  6. Oh, HOW BEAUTIFUL photos are there above, love them!!♥
    Greetings from Finland,

  7. Completely gorgeous, Carolyn!! The pond is a fabulous feature. And you MUST submit that hammock shot to your photo group. It is dream-inducing!

    Have a lovely weekend. – g

  8. Gorgeous closeups of the frost onthe flowers! How do you do that so well?? I love the foggy pics too.

  9. Breathtaking, as usual! Such a beautiful place that you call home....

  10. Dearest Carolyn,

    Wow, what a difference with Georgia... It looks very pretty on your photos and the pons will look special next year when things will grow around it and make it blend into the landscape like it belonged for a long time.
    Have a great weekend and stay warm!
    Love to you,


  11. ciao carolyn, le tue foto sono meravigliose....un abbraccio lory

  12. They do look a bit chilly, yet the light crystals make them look quite elegant, too.

  13. Beautiful pictures. We haven't had frost yet, but I guess it'll be here before we can blink!
    Hope you have a nice weekend.
    Love Elzie

  14. Dear Carolyn,

    Can't quite believe you had you first frosty evenings! In Holland it's still very warm for the time of year. I am still walking around in my summer dresses. It was 25 degrees Celsius today. You took beautiful photo's of the flowers. How pretty they look with a touch of frost!

    Wish you a lovely weekend!

    Madelief x

  15. ALways a delight to stop by your lovely blog to see all that you share.

    Autumn is here in Kansas and each passing day, the landscape grows into a colorful place with oranges, yellows and different shades of green.

    Enjoying this time of year!

  16. Wow that is a large lovely pond that you have. It will make for some beautiful photos in the next few years. We have not had a frost that hard yet. But I hold my breath when I say that. V

  17. Ours will be here soon..
    That hammock pic ..just floored me.
    I love it.. the adis too but wow..the hammock:)

    Have a nice weekend Carolyn~

  18. Hi Carolyn...Loved your misty photos. Just lovely. Thanks for sharing. Susan

  19. Dreamy! I love frost and those roses touched with frost remind me of the sugared rose petals I adorn cakes with sometimes. The hydrangea is fantastic, isn't it?

  20. Carolyn,
    The frost on the flowers was just beautiful. You could almost feel a chill. I'll bet you have been enjoying your new pond. That was quite an undertaking. It will bring you so much joy as well as those of us who enjoy your beautiful photography skills.
    Have a nice weekend.

  21. Beautiful, Carolyn! Your new dock and the adirondacks look sooo inviting. Loved, too, the pics of the pond under the harvest moon earlier in the month...

    Enjoy the warm weather this weekend. We are gearing up here for yet another hurricane...hope 'they' are wrong on this one, fingers crossed.

    Run for the Cure is on Sunday. My neighbour and her girls and two of my nieces are running for me. Midge and I are joining again this year and will be cheering everyone on!!!

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  22. These are some of the pretties photos of flowers I have seen in a long time they are amazing. They have brighten up my afternoon

  23. Your photography is amazing as are your gardens. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Lovely.... I have always dreamt with a wooden area behind my backyard and gardens, like that in your pictures... how blessed you are....

    Have a lovely weekend, Carolyn...


  25. Hello Carolyn,

    what a beautifull misty photo's.
    I'm enjoying it very much. And the roses. Mmmmmm.

    Have a lovely day. I will too.

  26. What a pretty post, flowers are so beautiful even with the frost. Laura Cottage and Broome

  27. Oh, Carolyn what a wonderful addition to your paradise to have a pond! The setting is fabulous . . . well done! Now you have a perfect mist maker. Enchanting as ever!

  28. Dear Carolyn,

    I can't wait to see frost here too!

    We are having summer weather and I can't stand it anymore!!



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
