Friday, September 9, 2011

Flower Power

Hello everyone,
       Today I sharing some close ups of flowers in our garden that are still blooming now. Above is a beautiful daylily that I love but don't know the name of we have hundreds of daylilies so it is hard to keep treack of them all as they have been divided and moved around the garden.
This dayliy is Tom Pounce and he has a rich velvety look.
I don't have a lot of dahlias but I do love to have some for bouquets. Here in our zone 5 b garden we have to dig them in the fall and store them in the basement.

Another beautiful daylily-most of the plants are getting down to their last blooms for this year.
Clematis in the arbor.
The soft mauve and white phlox is Franz Schubert. It looks so pretty with the deep mauve behind it.
This beautiful white phlox is David.
This is clethra-I believe it is Sixteen Candles. It has a beautiful fragrance and it is lovely to have some late bloomers.
The Fairy rose is still blooming and will go right to frost.
Peppermint pinwheel phlox with a deep pink phlox behind it.
Beautiful big pink blooms on the hydrangea still.
The Annabelle over the chair with the hummingbird. The hummingbirds have now left our garden until next summer-Bon Voyage!
This is a tall garden variety of loosestrife that I love as it is so stately and well behaved.
A beautiful late clematis General something or other.
A double yellow daylily.
I just found this phlox blooming in the garden and don't remember which one it is but it is pretty with it's two shades of pink.
Another pretty phlox- about 10 years ago I went through a phlox phase and bought every new variety I could find!
A pretty double peach daylily.
Many of the roses always give a .good second show in September too. So,there is still lots of beauty to enjoy in a stroll around the September garden.

By the time you read this I should be in Maine on a little shopping spree with my girls.If I find any treasures I will share them with you!

Take care,


  1. Greetings Gentle Gardener!

    The pink faerie roses are my favourite, although the pink hydrangea is a close second. Your garden is so well thought out to have waves of blooms at all times throughout the season. It is hard to think that they will all soon be spent. Sigh. But then we have the brilliant fall colours to look forward to...

    Wishing you a happy trip!

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  2. Carolyn, it was such a joy to see your magnificent blooms. Can't believe you have all those fabulous flowers in September! Thanks so much for sharing such loveliness. Susan

  3. Your daylilies and phlox are absolutely stunning, Carolyn! I like the pink fairy roses too. Your garden is looking really good for so late in the summer. Thanks for sharing.

  4. All of our daylilies have finished so it is beautiful to see yours still blooming. The pink ones and the double peach flowers are gorgeous. You are such a great photographer! I know there will always be dreamy images and loveliness here.

  5. Such beautiful
    beautiful pictures!!!

  6. Flotte blomster.
    Jeg er helt vild med dine dagliljer :-)

  7. Such beautiful flowers I love pink flowers and it always cheers me up to see a blog with lots of lovely photos of flowers thank you...........

  8. Hi Carolyn
    I think this was a nice post.....
    There really are POWER in flowers :)
    Today it is Fluffy Roses at my place :)
    and do not miss...




    WELCOME :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  9. Great photos. I believe your NOID daylily might be Final Touch. Does that sound familiar?

  10. Hello, lovely Carolyn!

    I am so sorry that I have become the most tremendous 'lurker', this summer, and haven't been commenting. but, your fresh prettiness is always inspiring.

    Coming, today, I am struck by how I have a Heritage rose in my garden the is giving the very same feel of the ones in your title banner photo - SO pretty! Even though I've seen it, before, I just can't get over how pretty it is.

    I love those daylilies, too. I have some apricot that look suspiciously like yours but, there are, indeed, so many varieties. Well, I am off to garden and move those very same daylilies around, this morning.

    I hope that you have a fun, fun, fun time in Maine - I love Maine and haven't been there in years.

    Love to you and yours,

    Katy Noelle xxo

  11. Dear Carolyn,

    All those colours in your garden.....I am a bit envious ;-)! Slowly my garden is getting to bed....

    Wish you a happy Sunday!

    Madelief x

  12. Hi Carolyn! I've come back and I'm breathless to see your flowers! Hugs!

  13. You have such beautiful flowers in your garden. I used to have Dahlia's too but forgot to take them up one fall and then they were gone! Must try and get some new bulbs.
    Ha e nice day.
    Love Elzie

  14. Carolyn,
    These are such gorgeous flowers- I am afraid I have a black thumb when it comes to growing them. I do so love your beautiful clematis and dahlias. My father's flowers grace the header on my blog right now. They are really lovely- He has a back bed of perennials that include day lilies, columbine, monkshood, etc. He still has not found a way to grow clematis much to his chagrin because he does love it. Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers. Hope you had a great time shopping in Maine.
    Warmest regards,

  15. I love the ruffled edges of the pink daylily and the double peach and double yellow daylilies. All the shades of color in your garden are beautiful.

  16. Again and again..I browse your garden photos and find myself speechless..

  17. Lovely blooms, Carolyn. The double peach daylily is gorgeous! Enjoy your trip.


  18. What wonderful shots Carolyn.. I hope the last weeks of Summer in your garden are enjoyable! We have been having wonderful hot weather here.


  19. Your gardens........TAKE MY BREATH AWAY!!




Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
