Monday, September 12, 2011

Dream No Small Dreams

Hello everyone,
       Well,as some of you know I was off Island for a few days for a girls only shopping trip with my three daughters and we did cover a lot of ground! No man would have wanted to keep up with us that's for sure.We went as far as Portsmouth New Hampshire(a ten hour drive) and stayed for a few days.I enjoyed the time with the girls but I have had my fill of shopping for awhile.However, I did pick up a few little treasures here and there.
  In the photo above is a new Mary Jane Farms pillow(Mardens) that I love and a pretty new teacup from TJMAXX. I love the soft aqua color of both.
I already had this vintage teapot.

Breakfast in bed anyone? Pretty but not very filling-He!He!
aqua chintz-so pretty! My daughter spotted this for me-she knew I would love it.
Dream no small dreams!

Well, dream big and then follow your dreams! I am already dreaming of the next' girls time out ' but I am thinking somewhere closer to home with the sound of the waves lapping on the shore- wouldn't that be a nice relaxing retreat for us.? I must be getting older or maybe just a little wiser!!! Right girls??? The girls enjoyed the trip, as it is a long time since they were in Maine or New Hampshire and a first time going away without any little ones in tow. However,they like me were happy to go but happy to get back home too!

I am joining Sandi for Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage again today.

Well, thank you for stopping in today.

Take care,



  1. Oh Carolyn, what a fun time you girls must have had! I love the new pillow and teacup. Your photos are so pretty and inviting. I hope you have a wonderful week. Blessings, Pamela

  2. Oh Yes, there is no place like home..but I just love Maine and plan on spending time in friends have a year round home on Blueberry Lane..Oh I love my friends...and glad they love me..
    Your treasures are divine..

  3. What a beautiful aqua teacup and even more special because your daughter thought of you. The photo of the bed draped in white linens with the tea tray is so gorgeous or is the word dreamy...thank for such a lovely blog.

  4. Love the pillow and tea cup, and to think you got them at TJ Maxx?
    the vintage teapot is gorgeous. I just got back from a girls shopping weekend fun!

  5. How beautiful! These are some of my favorite cottage colors together. How lovely to get away with your daughters to shop!!

  6. I loved the vintage teapot and tea cup looks so great with it, the pillow looks really cute and I would love to have something like that on my bed.

  7. Hi Carolyn
    After hearing so much about TJ Max from the US bloggers and the great things to buy there I'm happy that you were able to shop in the store. Love the colour of the teacup you bought and it does go well with your vintage teapot.
    My shopping trips have only ever been with daughter #2 but would enjoy #1 joining us some time.

  8. A very lovely post! Carolyn, I love your vintage teapot!


  9. Spend some 'time, by themselves, with their children is wonderful! Go shopping with her daughters must be so fun. I think it makes more accomplices. Too bad I'll never know, because I only have two sons. But that's fine as well. My sons love me and that makes me very happy. I wish you a wonderful week in late summer.Gilda

  10. Lovely colors!Forgive me, but I like the best of the bed! Surely they were wonderful days! Szép napot! :) Fróni

  11. How blessed you are Carolyn to have daughters and such thoughtful ones. The teacup sits beautifully with your teapot and the pillow is gorgeous.


  12. I love that tea cup!

    Susan and Bentley

  13. Hei!Oh wie wunderschön...eine Auflug mit Familie.und was für schönen Sachen hast du bekommen...Fruhstuck mit so eine geschirr und so ein Bett...wundwerbar!Schöne Woche Carolyn.Kußche.Luciene.

  14. Hello Carolyn,
    what a luck to find the absolute matching tea cup to this tea pot. The set is so adorable. I love the aqua with roses also. What a romantic room and pretty breakfeast. Thank you for sharing your treasures.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  15. I just love the aqua teacup and the aqua accents in your little cottage. How special to have that time with your girls but like you said, it's always good to come home.

  16. What a nice time you had with your girls. Your teacup is so pretty and just my colours too. I adore aqua! Your teapot is lovely too. Pretty bouquet! Your tea set up on the tray in your darling little cottage is just lovely. Thanks for joining me for Tea Time.


  17. Beautiful aqua cup and pillow!...and your floral bouquet is lovely too!

  18. Dear Carolyn, I always feel dreamy when visiting you. Somehow so cozy and safe too. I love the charm and way of slipping back into time. The romance and beauty that you create is to dream for. What a lovely outing with your girls! I am with you . . . closer to home is easier. Any way of avoiding all the cars. TJMax does sometimes have hidden jewels . . . you found one. Bless you! Carol

  19. Oh, I so want to add a heartfelt Thank You for your kind words of support Carolyn!

  20. It sounds like a wonderful together time for you. I remember when my mother and I shared fun "girl" trips.

  21. Oh my stars!!! Your teapot is beyond gorgeous!!

    m ^..^

  22. Didn't you have fun with the girls...( Ha Ha)... There nothing like a week-end shopping spree with friends... OMG what a collections beauties you found... I love the soft aqua tones of your pretty teapot and teacup ... How very lucky to find that dreamy little pillow to go with the teatime essence of relaxation... which I assume you took well advantage up when you got home... Oh Happy Day.... Thanks for sharing ...Hugs

  23. Hi, Carolyn!

    I enjoyed seeing your treasures today, as always. I have a teacup very similar - what a surprise!! Haha And, I love it, too!!! My mom especially loves the colours as they are so calming - perfect for a cuppa chamomille. So glad you had such a beautiful trip.


  24. I love that picture of the bed. Wanna have something like that some day. Pinning it for reference.

  25. The teapot is so delicate and danty! Love all the colors together! I could smell the flower arrangement all the way to TN! Everything looks so romantic and dreamy! Thanks for sharing!

  26. The teapot is so delicate and danty! Love all the colors together! I could smell the flower arrangement all the way to TN! Everything looks so romantic and dreamy! Thanks for sharing!

  27. Today is my first visit to your blog. Every picture in this post is beautiful! I had to Pin it! Lovely! Thank you for sharing! ~~Rhonda


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
