Monday, August 22, 2011

A Summer Afternoon Respite

Hello Everyone,
      We are enjoying some lovely summer weather lately so we might as well enjoy it while we can.
How about taking a little afternoon respite in the shade of the Limelight hydrangea.
Relax and enjoy a few of my favorite books.
I love hydrangeas in all shapes and sizes and colors and it doesn't take many to make a pretty bouquet.

Since it is a hot day how about a cold glass of lemonade?

A Heritage rose I plucked from the garden.

Well, I hope you enjoyed a pleasant respite-I know I did!

Today ,I am joining Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for her Tea Time Tuesday again. Thank you Sandi for hosting and for the feature!

Take care,



  1. Hi Carolyn! Well, I VERY much enjoyed this respite. The hydrangeas are luscious. I must say again that it's really lovely of you to create such a beautiful vignette to share with all of us.

    Hope your week is filled with wonderful memories!

    – g

  2. I have been photoing my hydrangeas too:)
    I love them..I'me made baskets..and book scenes:)

    Yours take the cake:)

  3. Not only are your hydrangeas beautiful, but your setting and the way you photographed them are both just stunning. This blog is always so lovely to me.

  4. Thank~you Carolyn for the lovely spot and beautiful choice of books. Your Images are just Breathtaking. I hope you had a lovely afternoon too!

    Huggs, Nancy

  5. Carolyn, you have created a lovey, serene setting for tea today. Your hydrangeas are superb. The lemonade would be refreshing too.

  6. What an inviting space... and a cold Glass of Lemonade sounds delish... especially since it's 112degrees here today, which even by Arizona Desert standards broke a record for this day.

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  7. Beautiful photos and beautiful flowers.....can't grow hydrangeas in AZ so thanks for sharing yours.



  8. So nice to sit here with you a spell. No more beautiful place to do it than in your garden. I can't believe how huge your Limelights get! Mine don't even get half the large. It would be so nice to see them get that big.
    Beautiful photos of such a pretty space.
    sending hugs...

  9. Absolutely Beautiful Carolyn!!


  10. That was pleasant indeed! Love the pale grays and whites in this post. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous! Isn't the weather fantastic? Summer at last. Pamela

  11. Thank you for the respite... so charming and refreshing. Your hydrangeas are perfect!


  12. Hello Carolyn
    You've created another cozy spot and the hydrangeas look perfect in your vignette.

  13. Love visiting here in your garden, though I don't leave comments usually. Your hydrangeas are amazing, I am falling in love with them this year.

  14. Very pretty! I love the flowers, they are a soft romantic color and they go so well with your beautiful setting. I have only pink hydrangeas, but I would like to get some other colors to mix and match.

    Lovely pictures!

    Have a great day,

  15. I love blur toile and just love your hydrangeas. Absolutely beautiful and such a restful pallette. Thakns for sharing! Refreshing!

  16. Dearest Carolyn,
    I am always refreshed after visiting your lovely place.
    Took it all in and enjoyed a summer afternoon respite.

  17. Hello Carolyn,
    you made a beautiful romantic setting. Love the hydrangeas. Your really know how to make a spot comfortable.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  18. Dear Carolyn,
    thank you so much vor your visit, we have hearde nothing from eachother for a long time. Sorry, it was my health, but now I`m on the way:-)
    You made very beautiful pictures and you have a lot of very beautiful things, too! I enjoyed to walk through your garden with all these lovely flowers and really great pictures.I hope that we write more in future.

  19. Just looking at that beautiful spot brings rest to my soul!

  20. Hello, be very glad that the weather is fine. In Amsterdam it's grey, raining & cold. Beautifull pictures. Stunning sunny look!

    Bey Sylvia

  21. Hi! Beautiful pictures as always. I too love hydrangea and have planted three of them this year. There will be more, different kinds of them, lol.
    Hope you have a nice day.
    Love Elzie

  22. Good morning Carolyn,
    Your post is gorgeous as always. The setting is dreamy and the hydrangeas are scrumptious. The fluffy blooms make such an exquisite arrangement! Lovely photos. Thanks for joining me for tea and you're very welcome for the feature, by the way! Enjoy this nice day.


  23. It's going to be 117 in Phoenix today, so your blue post feels very refreshing. Won't you visit my new blog at Cheers!

  24. Oh my Carolyn!

    What fabulous photos. I adore hydrangeas and your vignettes are exceptionally inviting and exquisite as always!.., So pretty!

    Happy Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland!

    Please feel most welcome to visit me for my 98th, 'Tuesday Tea For Two' and also for the '69th, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday'.~ YOU ARE ALWAYS MOST WELCOME TO PARTAKE!

    Hugs, Wanda Lee

  25. Hello Carolyn!
    I come here often, I am delighted with all this beauty.
    It is the most beautiful blog I know ... I never tire of looking, I have always admired ... not comment because I have difficulty with English, I need google translator, and is very complicated.
    But I want to tell you that I admire.

  26. Hi Carolyn,
    What a peaceful setting. I love your hydranges and how you have so elegantly arranged everything. I so enjoyed my visit!

    Happy tea,

  27. Yes, please! Just looking is so relaxing...beautiful...all of it!

  28. Your hydrangeas are just beautiful and what a lovely place to hide away for the afternoon. I could easily share a glimpse of that stack of reading books on your table and share a glass of lemonade.Beautiful photo's.

  29. Hello dear, I also love the hydrangeas. Unfortunately I did not grow so vigorously. The guilt is too hot climate. Even though I water all suffer greatly. I wish you a wonderful day Gilda

  30. There is always a sense of serenity when visiting your garden. You have a lovely touch with gathering just the right things to invite one to come and to relax. I adore hydrangeas and wish ours were still blooming. They've come and gone, now we're looking for Fall blooms. Yours are fantastic in the basket - thank you for inviting us in - quite relaxed now and ready to enjoy the day - Hope yours is blessed!

  31. There is always a sense of serenity when visiting your garden. You have a lovely touch with gathering just the right things to invite one to come and to relax. I adore hydrangeas and wish ours were still blooming. They've come and gone, now we're looking for Fall blooms. Yours are fantastic in the basket - thank you for inviting us in - quite relaxed now and ready to enjoy the day - Hope yours is blessed!

  32. Hi,
    Hydrangeas are sooo beautiful...I love them too...I also love your blog!!
    Greetings from Sweden / Maria

  33. Soooo lovely! I would love to spend some time at that respite! Gorgeous photos and blooms!
    Visiting from Tea Time Tuesday!

  34. Hi what a lovely spot to enjoy the last of the summer days...your hydrangeas are to die for,wish I had some to dry!! Take care,Chrissy

  35. Carolyn I just came over from Marguerite's tour of your gardens and it is just simply so beautiful!
    I love your style .. your garden is gorgeous : )


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
