Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vintage China

Last week when I was shopping for a new piece of furniture, I found these pretty vintage dishes.

My husbands grandmother had this set of china and it was her Sunday best. I always loved it but had only found a couple of pieces before.

I love the rose and the embossed design.

I was thrilled to see it had the covered veggie dish and a couple of platters too.

several cups and saucers too!

plates in all sizes and the cream and sugar bowl too.

gravy boat and platter

There were over 60 pieces and they cost less then $1 each so I couldn't resist.

When I get them displayed I will show them off again but first I have to paint the cupboard!

We are promised a couple more days of heavenly sunshine and them some rain to take away the snow. I am so glad that spring is in the air!

Thank you for visiting,



  1. oh my gosh!!! I GASPED!!! MY MOUTH DROOLS!! and I got to have it written in big capital.. hehehe.. you really hit a jack pot! a dollar each?! welp, I wouldn't pass it up!.. you lucky duck! always have beautiful china! so happy for you..

  2. Carolyn
    I just love your blog. I cannot wait until this summer to see the gardens.
    Your dishes are beautiful and I love the way you photograph the dishes with the beautiful lace tablecloth.

  3. Carolyn, So lovely!
    I think I might start using a set of the same china for every Sunday for Sunday's BEST.
    You've made an impression on me.
    Have a great week and God Bless,

  4. Morning Carolyn, the set is beautiful, what a great find. Jackie in UK.

  5. Dear Carolyn,
    it`s sooooo beautiful!! I would like to have such a wonderful thing too.......
    I`ve red the other comments and I`m really curious of your garden in summer. This night we get new snow and I can`t see him nomore.
    Have a nice day

  6. What a fine there.. and this pattern is YOU and it was meant to be.

    OOoh, just look at those tulips there, I'm so excited for spring.

    with love,

  7. What beautiful china -- I have a tea set in the same china only in a pale green -- But your rose is beautiful and how could you pass it up!!!!! What a find! And it fits in so perfectly with your other things!

  8. My, i love them so much. I myself couldnt resist something beautiful as that. wish I could own them. Your are lucky to find it for a very cheap price.

  9. The contrast between the embossed parts and the delicate roses is so unusual! What a nice treasure for your family. Thanks for sharing. ♥♪

  10. That is beautiful! It is the best kind of find when it cost so little and has a nostalgic value as well.

    I love it. :)

  11. Oh my goodness! I don't think I have seen anything prettier. Utterly princess-y and dainty.

  12. Carolyn....Yes! Spring is in the air here too! The china is just exquisite! So lovely and what a great price you paid! Really, really pretty!~Patti

  13. Hello Carolyn,

    How lucky are you! Beautiful china you´ve found for a sweet deal.

    When I look at your garden photos I just gasp! So wonderful!

    Have a nice day,

  14. I think that is the prettiest china I have ever seen! I'm sure they will always be even more special to you because they are like your husband's grandmother's china. I hope you use them, not just admire them.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  15. Talk about drooling in the morning! Its so very delicate and lovely, thanks so much for sharing your lovely find, I love your blog, have been following you for quite some time and your dishware taste is quite the same as mine. I live in deep south Louisiana and if ever I get a chance to come to Prince Edward Island, which is a long standing goal of mine, I will definitely have to make packing room for treasures among my luggage so i can go antiquing!

  16. I should have known! Crown Ducal! That is just the most gorgeous china EVER!

    m ^..^

  17. Oh Carolyn - these are so incredibly beautiful. I cannot believe that you found them for less than $1 each. Practically a gift - and they have found the perfect home!

    Enjoy the sights & sounds of Spring!

  18. This is a beautiful set of china. The embossed edges are spectacular. Seems almost a shame to serve roast beef and gravy on them(isn't that a Sunday favorite?)
    Thanks for sharing such a lovely set.

  19. Oh lucky you.... Now you've got a whole new collection for all your guests......I think they will love it........
    And your banner is so pretty. It gives me a real spring feeling.
    Nice evening

  20. Just beautiful! I love the china pattern...I have never seen one like it. So simple and so perfect. I love your blog, with each post there is always an inspiration of romance. Thank you for sharing!

  21. Dear Carolyn,

    Your vintage china is gorgeous!!!! I am so happy that you found so much of it, and for such a wonderful price! What a blessing! Thank you for sharing it with us. I know you will enjoy it so much!

    Love and blessings,

  22. Hello Carolyn! Oh my goodness ~ what a FIND!

    That is such a beautiful, beautiful pattern ~ and that they have special meaning to your family makes it all the more special. It was simply meant to be!

    I just love the color of the rose (perfect complement to the gorgeous tulips), and that embossing... *sigh* I'm in love!

    I'm so happy they found their way to your wonderful home. Thank you for sharing your find ~ it's so much fun to read about such a happy coincidence! You've made my morning. xo

  23. What a steal Carolyn - you must have been destined to have those dishes and they are beautiful!!

  24. Oh my, Carolyn, I love it! So pretty with their roses and trim! I have never seen this pattern before; gorgeous! You got quite a deal there, girl!


  25. Oh what a fortunate girl you are. DRIPPP DRIPP DRIPPing with envy!

  26. One of the most beautiful china patterns I have ever seen! Oh how I wish I could find something so gorgeous at such an amazing price! Enjoy them!

  27. Such pretty dishes...they look like you! It's always such a better deal to buy a set, isn't it? I'm waiting for my new set to come in the mail from ebay...even with shipping it was still a killer deal! I enjoyed going back and getting caught how the stairway turned out...beautiful color on the walls!

  28. That is some of the prettiest china I have ever seen. Like you, I think the embossing and little rose design is beautiful. What a fantastic find.

    Your header photo collage is lovely.

  29. What beautiful china! It simply looks delightful. I know you will enjoy it much.


  30. OH Wow!!!!!! what a gorgeous set of China..... how lucky were you....... the pattern is so beautiful.... can't wait to see them in there new home.... have fun with them.. you lucky thing you..


  31. Hi Carolyn
    That is really wonderful that you were able to find your Grandmother's china pattern. It is just lovely too. I know oyu will enjoy it!

  32. Oh, my! I absolutely love those dishes!!!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
