Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Touch of Spring!

Today ,I wanted to share a little touch of some indoor spring color with you. I always buy a few extra hyacinth bulbs to force indoors as I love the fragrance as well as the flower. The little fairy enjoys reading her book surrounded by beauty!

I love this color!

The African violet .hyacinth and a pretty bouquet made a cheery vignette.

Love pretty china with flowers!

I am joining in with Cindy again at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday where there will be lots to entertain you for the weekend.

We change our clocks ahead this weekend-another sign of spring that I look forward to.

Thank you for visiting me and have a happy weekend!



  1. Those blooms are so pretty! I usually force bulbs but I didn't do it this year, now I wish I would have!

  2. That is wonderful, so pretty! Happy Spring!

  3. Carolyn these pictures are just so pretty. I meant to buy some tulips this week, but didn't find any while I was at the market. Seeing your post has given me a smile, when I see your beautiful flowers.

    I have been painting all day so I missed your post on that stunning china you found. I love it!!!!

  4. Your very pretty, cheerful flowers are a wonderful and welcome sight after such a long, cold winter. I love spring! Love the beautiful teapot too! Thanks for sharing.

  5. What wonderful colors, vibrant and they just feel like spring.
    Your photos are very well done....enjoyed your post.
    BTW, wanted you to know that I love your header.

  6. I love having hyacynths in the house! They are the smell of spring to me! Lovely Mosaics. Bella

  7. Good evening, Carolyn! Oh, your blooms are just so gorgeous! You just know everything about plants! I love the color and look at your dish pieces! Always so lovely.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Carolyn what a beautiful post. My favorite colors too! I so enjoyed the music, all so peaceful. Have a wonderful weekend. Sharon

  9. I share your love for china and flowers. Both yours are absolutely beautiful!!

  10. Beautiful china and flowers. I had some hyacinths in the house and daffodils, but I have had to move them into the conservatory as it was affecting my sinus's. Never had this problem before!! At least I can still see them through the glass.Or I can keep looking at your blog. Can I please save one photograph and have it as a wallpaper please?

    Have a lovely weekend, we don't change our clocks here until the last weekend in March.

    Jackie in UK.

  11. PS I meant desktop wallpaper for my PC!! Jackie

  12. Hello Carolyn,
    so beautiful pictures again! The flowers are very pretty, the colour too. And I love your British China:-))
    Have a nice weekend and thank you for your kindly words at my blog

  13. Absolutely lovely post, Carolyn. Thanks for adding to my day's beauty (already!) Hope your weekend is everything you want it to be! Sincerely, Susan

  14. Hi Carolyn....I wish I had forced some bulbs this year. After such a long winter it would have been so nice. Oh well...I will just have to pick up a bouquet of tulips today!~Patti

  15. Oh, Carolyn....a beautiful breath of spring! If it would only come to Ohio!! xoxoxox

  16. Hi Carolyn..I am dazzled by your spring flowers..and pretty beautiful! It is amzing how strong the hyacinths scent can fill a room..beautiful! I am in love with that teapot and of course your charming fairy..I would love to find one ! Beautiful!!

  17. Those spring blooms are so pretty. We're experiencing an early spring here in southern Ontario and it just "feels" like spring outside. :o)

    I loved the violet teapot, is it just so pretty. I have a friend who loves anything with violets so I've told here to come on over for a visit.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. So very pretty, Carolyn! I'm looking forward to turning the clocks ahead this weekend too. It's definitely feeling like Spring out there, at long last. Have a lovely weekend.


  19. Those spring blooms are so pretty. We have some in the house as well. It won't be long before they will bloom in our garden as well. Have a good weekend!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  20. Carolyn your blog is always so wonderful,it takes me to another time and place. I love coming here and taking a deep sigh! I wanted to be sure and come by and thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog. I so appreciate you taking the time to do so,have a wonderful weekend,Kathysue

  21. Hi carolyn, the flowers are so pretty. Have a great weekend...Kathy

  22. I love the combination of these spring flowers. The colors are amazing!

  23. Flowers have the most perfect colours, don't they? I especially like the hyacinth colour.
    I collect 'violets' china, so I really love your teapot. xx

  24. Those flowers are beautiful, but that pot.....oh, that pot.... it is gorgeous!

  25. OH how beautiful those flowers are,,, I love the sent of them,,,have a great weekend.


  26. Evening, Dear Carolyn! Thank you so much for your prayers and have a great weekend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  27. Love the pretty China. Really with these pics the spring is in the air.
    Have a nice weekend Carolyn

  28. Thank you for visiting me! I love your blog!

  29. Carolyn such a beautiful display of Spring indoors! Pink and blue my favorite mix in blooms!Yes Spring is here to stay..puring rain today.

  30. What spectacular color, Carolyn. And indoors. Spring has finally started here, delayed by all our "weather."
    Have a nice weekend,


  31. Such beautiful colour combinations.

    I checked your home sideshow full screen.It is so beautiful and the garden is superb. Just like a glossy magazine.

  32. Oh, how I love your photographs, Carolyn! My sister-in-law has the same fairy statue - it is so pretty! And I LOVE the colors in your flowers. Thank you - this really brightened my day!

  33. I can smell those hyacinths through the screen. These are so beautiful and lovely with the tulips. My hyacinths have bloomed out. :-( Perhaps I can find another to bring into the house. I miss the fragrance.

  34. Dear Carolyn,

    Your flowers and china are gorgeous! Beautiful touches of spring!!!
    Love, Paula


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
