Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Topsy Turvy!

Hello everyone,

I just popped in to let you know things are a little busy here so I am taking a little blogging break.

We have carpenters here to work on a project and things are a little topsy turvy!

Better Homes and Gardens we are NOT!

There are a couple of rooms they are working on and I hope to have prettier pics soon.

We getting some new bookcases built in the living room.

I have to leave you with something pretty before I go.

clematis and roses from last years garden

This is our garden today-definitely not pretty but.....

better then this-same day last year! We had a big snowstorm and it was very cold-definitely March went out like a lionlast year and A lamb this year. We had rain the last two days. Now, this is why I am thinking it's early spring for us this year.

I think I mentioned we were going on a little trip. We are off to Charleston and Savannah for a week!!! I am excited to think of strolling around these beautiful old cities. Should I take my parasol?

So with cleanup after the projects ,packing,and Easter I will be gone for a couple of weeks.

I wish all of you a wonderful Easter weekend!




  1. Carolyn, Have a wonderful vacation, you will need it after all of this going on in your house. I am looking forward to seeing the "After" photos. March came in like a lamb and from all indications is going out like a lamb, too. What's up with that? Happy Easter! Cindy S

  2. Oh, Carolyn...Good luck with the remodeling and have a WONDERFUL trip. I'll miss your beautiful blog but will look forward to all the entries and photos when you come back. Sincerely, Susan

  3. O Carolyn......Good luck with the remodeling and have a good vacation...........take care,,,,,,,stay not to long away....big hugs happy easter FROM ME.......

  4. You will really enjoy it when all the work is finished. It looks like it will be lovely, but since it's connected to you I'm sure it will be. Have a wonderful Easter and trip south, and hopefully it won't be too humid yet!

  5. OOOOOOOOO Carolyn I can't wait to see all the after photos... it is going to be gorgeous,,,hope it all goes smoothly. Have a wonderful time in Charleston and Savanna,, don't forget to get lots of photos to share.... Happy Easter.


  6. Carolyn.. you will be missed, yet I can't wait to see your adventures when you get back!

    Happy Easter my dear!!!

    big hugs and kisses,


  7. Have a wonderful trip! I think you will enjoy these lovely southern cities. We will miss your posts but look forward to photos when you return.
    Have a blessed Easter.

  8. It may be no bed of roses now, but it will be SO worth it in the end! Looks like it will be wonderful! So will spring! Have a great vacation and take lots of great pics to share!

  9. Carolyn, Have a wonderful time away and the remodeling will be over before you know it. Have a wonderful Easter.

  10. Oh Carolyn, you will love it! I was just there the first week of March. We had tea in a nice little tea room in Savannah called The Tea Room, had the Mirabelle tea and it was wonderful! So many beautiful homes there and I will look forward to going back when I see your pictures. We didn't spend as much time in Charleston as Savannah but enjoyed it too. If you get a chance have lunch at Mrs. Wilkes. It's only open from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00. It's on Jones Street. Food is served family style and it's delicious! Have a great time.

  11. Dear Carolyn - have a blessed Easter - and a wonderful holiday!! Safe travels <3

  12. Have a wonderful time on your trip, and yes definitetly take your parasol.
    Isn't it funny how things have to get worse before they get better? Your shelves will be a wonderful addition, so it will be worth the mess. I'm in a bit of a mess as well. The crew came today to start on my studio out back. Our driveway looks like a used trailer and truck lot. But I can't complain, because I have wanted this done for a long time. Maybe it will get done before the garden work starts.

  13. Hi Carolyn! Oh, how exciting getting things done in your home. Can't wait to see it all when it's finished.
    Have a lovely trip and take lots of pictures and I want to wish you and your family a blessed Easter.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. 'You have to crack an egg to make an omlette'. So says I whenever my husband wonders why I can't decorate AND be tidy. It'll all be over soon and you'll have some lovely fixtures and fittings to play with. Good luck, and have a wonderful Easter. xx

  15. Hi Carolyn
    Your place looks like ours while we're laying hardwood floor. Saturday will see my office come apart with all the connections for computer, phone and television down until it's put back together.
    And the dust! I'm sure you'll be glad when the final cleaning is done too.
    Enjoy your trip, those two names say history to me and your photos should be outstanding.
    Happy Easter

  16. Carolyn -- Good Luck with all your renovations! I know how it is, I've been living in a renovation for the past 4 years!
    Congratulations on your photos being featured in Houzz books this week.

  17. Oh, the mess we go through to get to the beauty! Can't wait to see it finished! Happy Easter1

  18. Have a Happy Easter and a wonderful, relaxing vacation.

  19. Ah, Charleston is my favorite city, and I love Savannah, too. I know you will have a wonderful time.

    I can't wait to see more of the projects.

  20. Have a wonderful Easter break Carolyn!

  21. Hi Carolyn, good luck with the romodieling and have a happy Easter

  22. Dear Carolyn,

    I can hardly wait to see your rooms when the work is completed! The built in shelves are wonderful! I loved seeing the photos of your garden at different times. Isn't it amazing how it will look before too long! What a gift from God a garden is!!!! Your flowers are beautiful!

    Yes, you must bring your parasol while visiting us down here in the south! I do hope you and your husband have a safe and wonderful trip! I would love to go to those old southern cities too. I need to see more of Louisiana for that matter. :)

    Thank you for sharing the blog with me. I will take a look.

    Have a blessed Easter!
    Love, Paula

    P.S. I love the photo with the sweet bunny, tea things and birdhouse! Just lovely!

  23. Dear Carolyn,

    I will miss your beautiful posts and comments on my blog!! It's good to know that you will be coming back :-). I hope you and Andrew will have a wonderful holiday!

    The pictures of your living room look promising. Those bookcases are just the thing I would like to have in our living room. At the moment ours are from Ikea, but one day I hope to have bookcases such as yours! Dear Carolyn, a Happy Easter to you, Andrew and the rest of your family. Enjoy your vacation!!

    Lieve groet, Madelief xx

  24. Carolyn, I can't wait to see your renos! My tulips are coming up and so are the pansies; hard to believe! Happy Easter to you and your family. Hope you have a wonderful trip.


  25. Hi Carolyn, That is the nicest blue in the last photo- very pretty and so are all your mosaics.

    How exciting to have things worked on to make it more appealing for you to enjoy. Hope all goes well with your remodeling and have a safe wonderful trip.

    Have Fun*

  26. Have a good vacation and happy Easter !

  27. Happy Easter to you too, and a good trip to Savannah and Charleston - two of my favorite cities.
    I don't often comment, but wanted to let you know how much I enjoy visiting your blog.

  28. Hello Carolyn,

    How exciting for you (and me ;))! New projects and a vacation - can´t wait to see photos :)

    Happy Easter,

  29. Hello Carolyn,

    How exciting for you (and me ;))! New projects and a vacation - can´t wait to see photos :)

    Happy Easter,

  30. Carolyn:

    Have a wonderful vacation. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your vacation AND your renovations. Can't wait to see what you put on those new shelves!

    - The Tablescaper

  31. A new project! exciting! Have a very Happy Easter

  32. Hope you have a wonderful time dear Carolyn!



  33. I just found glad I did. Have a great time on your trip. I'll bet your remodel will be complete when you return. Can't wait to see it



  34. I'm hoping you had a great time in Charleston and Savannah. I live here and I love it, all the old and beautiful and slightly decrepit. Things are really starting to (finally) be blooming!

  35. Well it sure looks like you are up to something fabulously creative. be sure to give a big reveal!

  36. Hope you had a lovely vaca. The shelves look great. I love your french doors. I am all to familiar with renovations we've been fixing up our house for almost five years now.
    Many Blessings,

  37. Hello,

    You're really having a lot going in your house...but I'm sure it will be wonderful in the end!

    Hope you are having a nice vacation!


  38. Missing you - and anxious to read about your trip.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
