Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hi everyone,

I woke up this morning to the sound of robins singing in the garden! Although the robins have been in the garden for several weeks this is the first time I heard them singing -I love to wake up to the sound of birds. Our snow is melting a little more each day and more perennials popping up daily. I had a friend for lunch yesterday and we were remembering a big snowstorm we had the end of March last year.It was also bitter cold so this spring is so much earlier for us.

I didn't really have much to share with you today so I made a few collages and I will try to do better for tomorrow!

I think this insect is a praying nantis that my little granddaughter found in our garden last year. Thank you, Robin for letting me know this is a Katydid not a praying nantis as I had thought it might be.

simple whites

Thank you for visiting me,


Enjoy your day!



  1. Morning, Carolyn!! Your collages are beautiful. Let's pray the snow is over for this year!!

  2. Carolyn....Everyday your photos and collages keep me motivated and excited for the upcoming growing season! Your china collages and photos just make me FEEL GOOD!~Patti

  3. Lovely collages! The birds here are singing and beginning to check out nesting locations.

    I think your insect is a katydid.

  4. Pretty collages, Carolyn!
    As I'm writing this, it is 6 degrees celcius! How wonderful is that? And come Saturday, Spring is officially here! We've had a wonderful March and I'm so excited to have Springtime on our doorstep! I've been seeing the robins too. Hope you have a lovely day.


  5. The birds are singing here too. We are going to be in the low 70s today and the sun is shining. The trees and shrubs have buds but haven't started to bud out yet. With this warm weather it shouldn't be long. Your photo collages are just beautiful - I enjoyed all of them.

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  6. I love your collages - you certainly know how to put objects together and make them art.

  7. Hi Carolyn,

    Thanks for your sweet comment! I missed you too, but I often had a look at your blog! Good to hear that the temperatures are rising on your island as well! I hope you won't get a snowstorm like last year. In Holland we have a saying that says anything can happen in March!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  8. Hello Carolyn...Lovely collages. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day! Sincerely, Susan

  9. Blessings to you Carolyn!
    What a sweet 'tweet' to get to hear!

    I love it when I get to hear the birds chirping and spring is on her way.

    Lovely pretty and pleasant. I so enjoy your gentle pictures that make a difference in this ole world.

    Puts a smile on my face.

  10. Carolyn,
    Just beautiful.

  11. Hi carolyn,your collages are so beautiful.All those dreamy whites.I just love the angel in the urn....Kathy

  12. Love your collages! It is wonderful to visit and see the beauty of your home. It is eye candy that fulfills my dreams of a romantic home. I love spring time in the country, we have been invaded with robins. But they are in hidding today because it is chilly and raining. Thank you for sharing because it has made my day warmer.

  13. As always Carolyn I am delighted by your pictures. You really need to do a home and garden book my friend. But if you are like me, your blog is your book. The mosaic of your home is awe inspiring.
    I haven't been it the garden yet, but the snow is almost gone now.

  14. Carolyn,
    your collages are gorgeous. I'm especially loving your whites... so charming and inspiring, as usual.
    After months of unceasing rain it seems spring is finally here. so glad...

  15. what beautiful mosaics of lovely photographs. Spring, it is so wonderful to see the first robins and the flowers beginning to bloom.s

  16. Hello Carolyn,

    Just popping in to wish you a nice weekend. Lovely photos.


  17. I love your mosaics. So fresh and sweet. I can only imagine how wonderful your gardens shall be. Happy Spring!!!!

  18. Wow everything loks so fresh and just like spring!

  19. Hello Carolyn

    What a beautiful blog you have !! wow much beautiful so me............i will foillow you !!

    Hope you visit my blog to...........and mayby follow ??

    Have a nice weekend hugs Ria

  20. Love your hummingbird birdfeeder! Everything's perfect! Have a lovely sunny weekend, Carolyn!



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
