Saturday, February 13, 2010

Breakfast in Bed

Happy Valentine's Day everyone and of course it is also Pink Saturday. So today I thought I would serve you breakfast in bed.

You can start off with a healthy strawberry smoothie. I have a smoothie almost every morning with yogurt,banana,milk,and one other fruit such as strawberries ,peaches etc. I think it is a good way to start the day.

I made you some buttermilk wholewheat pancakes as well and since it is Valentines I made them heart shaped for you.

Since it is pink Saturday too,I put some pink linens on the bed.

and I am using some pink china-remember this teapot that my husband gave me a few years ago for Valentines Day. I wonder what this Valentines Day will bring!

a heart on the pretty pink chenille bedspread.

This little lamp was an ugly yellow when I brought it home but a coat of paint and a new lampshade was just the thing for it.

Well,it is a beautiful sunny day here so you probably don't want to linger in bed too long and Beverly is expecting you at How Sweet the Sound.

Happy Valentine's Day and I hope you feel loved and will share some love with someone else either a special someone or a lonely neighbor.Every day,I see lots of lonely elderly folks who would love to have a visitor!

Thank you for taking the time to visit me.



  1. Hi carolyn, breakfast looks wonderful!!I'd love some heart shaped pancakes!!The pink china is beautiful.I wish you and your husband a happy valentines day...Kathy

  2. All looks beautiful Carolyn.
    Happy Valentines day!
    Warm greetings, Lennu

  3. Hi Catherine,

    I wish that 'breakfast in bed' was mine. It looks so tasty! Andrew is very lucky to have you!!! That pink and whit floral teapot is so pretty. It would match perfectly with the teacups I bought in the thrift store last week ;-)!

    Wish you a day full of Love,

    Lieve groet, madelief

  4. Oh that I can be there for real...sometimes this virtual reality just doesn't cut it...


    i love this post...but I'm still hungry lol...

    ciao have a happy weekend

  5. Oh Yes!! My perfect all time breakfast! A spot of coffee, some buckwheat pancakes, a poached egg and a creamy strawberry smoothie!

    Did you save some for me?

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    with love,

  6. Truly gorgeous...what a charming series of elegant, romantic and truly beautiful! Your teapot is so super lovely..! Happy V day! I always enjoy your dazzling blog..just wonderful!

  7. Mmmmmmm Carolyn, thank you so much. The smoothie was lush and the pancakes, mmmmm hmmmm, just delish. I hope you don't mind but I added some real Vermont maple syrup. Thank you SO MUCH. Loved your suggestion to help someone else this Valentine's Day. Just bought a "red", yes, "red" teddy bear for a kid who has almost no one and a sweet card to go with it. Happy, happy weekend of love, Carolyn. And many thanks to you for adding SO MUCH beauty and gentleness to our world! Sincerely, Susan from

  8. Loved your breakfast, Carolyn! Thank you! I enjoy a smoothie too; especially when they're pink. Your pink china is lovely and so right for Valentines Day. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentines Day to you.


  9. What a great post. Such a nice relaxing thought for a pink/valentines weekend. Have a blessed week.

  10. Oh Carolyn what a beautiful Valentine post. Everything heartshaped, even the pancakes, Gorgeous. Your china is beautiful.

  11. How beautiful! I love the linens and the teapot!

  12. Beautiful post with pictures and text!
    You have so beautiful blog!!
    Happy Valentine Day for you, too!:)
    Greetings from Finland,


    Hello Friend, I love love love your blog, it‘s very interesting!!! I really like your style!! i‘ll visit you many times for sure honey.


  14. Such beautiful photos! I sure would enjoy breakfast in bed like that. :)

  15. i adore your blog...
    i was thinking i might grab your button...???


  16. So beautiful and inviting.

    - The Tablescaper

  17. What a beautiful tablescape. Those heart-shaped pancakes look wonderful.

  18. I could live in your world with all the lovely pink around me! It is just so calming and peaceful. Thank you for sharing.

  19. Hello Carolyn,

    The smoothie looks good! I made some for my children on their birthdays and it was a big hit. Love your pink photos ;)

    Happy Valentine´s Day,

  20. Absolutely beautiful.
    Happy Valentines Day.

  21. Carolyn what a lovely reminder for us to think of those who may be a little sad to be spending a Valentines with out their sweethearts. As always your post takes us to a place of beauty. Beautiful photos and even lovelier china.
    I too start my days with a fruit and yogurt smoothie. The breakfast of champions.

  22. Just popping in to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!

    Suzann (The Olive Cottage)

  23. Happy Valentine's Carloyn,

    What a gorgeous and delicious breakfast you prepared! So romantic and cozy..anyone would be blessed to have such a breakfast served to them in bed!

    Have a wonderfu day!

    Miss Bloomers

  24. Everything is so beautiful! A true delight to look at. Thank you for sharing.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  25. What charming, lovely photos. Happy PS to you.

  26. Very nice color and very Romantique!love the hearts pancakes.Wish you a wonderful day ? Thanks for coming Catherine

  27. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  28. So pretty and so yummy all at the same time. Happy Valentine's Day! xx

  29. Dear Carolyn,
    What a great post! Thank you so much.
    Lovely lovely photos!! I love it:))

    Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

    wiht love,

  30. Carolyn.....What a beautiful breakfast in bed! It looks so inviting! Hope your Valentine's Day is filled with LOVE!~Patti

  31. So sorry that I missed you yesterday. It seemed like the day just ran away from me! But, with this being ♥Valentine's Day♥ what better time for me to stop by to see your Pink Saturday goodies.

    It's been a long and dark winter up here near Canada so filling myself up with pink is my way on the weekend of chasing away the blues - not that blue isn't a nice color, too☺

    I ♥ coming here. All the pink and all the girlie stuff just floods my brain and makes me want to do a happy dance right where I sit!

    Thanks so much for sharing. After all, isn't sharing one of life's greatest pleasures?

    ♫Happy Valentine's Day♫

  32. We all need a little pampering, and you have blessed us this Valentine's Day. Thank you for the delightful breakfast treats and beautiful setting, Carolyn.

  33. Oh my! Simply beautiful!

  34. Hi,
    my name is Sarah, I am an Italian girl. I have just discovered your blog, but I already love! Congratulations, there are some great pictures! I love the style shabby, I love you madly everything shabby!

    See you soon:)


  35. Carolyn I was so excited to see your name on my blog. I have visited your blog so many times and have just been taken away to another place in time and space. I love your blog so you can only imagine how excited I was to see that you read my blog. I am very honored and thank you for comment to let me know you had been there, I so appreciate it, Kathysue

  36. It's all so pretty! Happy Valentine's Day.

  37. Hi Carolyn! Oh, your breakfast looks so wonderful. I'd never thought of having a smoothie for breakfast! I made need to start a new tradition. ;)
    Your pink tea pot and dishes are so beautiful! Oh, you just know how to set a pretty scene!
    I hope you've had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
    Be a sweetie and thank you for your sweet comments.
    Shelia ;)

  38. You have such lovely things on your blog...all looks very welcoming. Happy Valentines Day to you, also. Jan

  39. Utterly romantic and sweet Carolyn! Your thought too of visiting lonely elders is a dear one. Happy Valentine's Day to you too.

  40. Just Lovely Carolyn, you do have what it takes to make it all so beautiful.

    Much Joy to You-

  41. You can see I'm a bit tardy on the Pink Saturday posts. This one is divine. How romantic with all the pink and heart shaped plate and pancakes. Beautiful!

  42. Hi Carolyn
    Thanks for the breakfast in bed. I realy enjoyed it. Everything was so beautiful, I could have stayed there all day!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  43. How a peaceful blog. When I looking at your page, I feel so relax myself. Even I looking at these photos I felt relax,I can not image being there. There are big work. It is clear. Thank you for making these and sharing with us. After this day I will be your follower.

    Best Wishes



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
