Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sh! Please do not Disturb

Please come quietly in,

There is a beautiful fox sleeping on my doorstep!

Ophs! I think he heard us but he is not afraid so that is good.

This fox stayed on our veranda for a couple of hours yesterday while it was raining-wasn't he the sly fox!

Now while you are here I will show you this very old needlepoint pillow I found in an antique shop-it was in need of a new back,stuffing and trim and so I spruced it up. I only paid $5 for it.I love to find handmade treasures.

I also found this pretty chintz teacup at Coulson's in Summerside. I had one the same years ago but I accidently broke the cup so I was happy to replace it.

Now that you are here can we share a cup of tea before you go?

The fox is gone now so you can make as much noise as you like-hopefully some happy sounds!

Take care,


  1. Dear Carolyn,

    Such wonderful pictures of such a beautiful creature. I'm sure that was quite a surprise or do you see wild life often?

    I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing all your talent.

    Keep Warm,

  2. Good morning, Carolyn! Oh, my look at that little pretty fox. I think they are so beautiful and have never seen one in person. He was getting out of the weather, poor little thing.
    Love the olden needlepoint pillow and the tea cup! You always find such lovely things.
    Be a sweetie,
    shellia :)

  3. How cute is that little fox!
    Lovely photos!

  4. Wow, how neat is that to have a fox come and sleep on your doorstep! Thanks for sharing!

  5. WOW WOW WOW Carolyn. What awesome photos! Little fox is adorable! Wouldn't he make a great children's story....The Fox Who Came To Visit...Oh, I love the cup, too. Yes, I'll have some healthy green tea mixed with raspberry with you. Thanks! That was delicious! Sincerely, Susan from

  6. How lucky you are to have a fox visit you so close! We have foxes living nearby and watch them play or cross the field sometimes. Your fox looks stunning. They get a bad name but I do like them.

    Verry pretty tea cup!

    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  7. Hello Carolyn
    I find it very heartwarming that the fox would feel safe enough to take shelter right at your door. It must have known that there were kind people inside.
    The tea cup is beautiful, great find.

  8. ...we stayed in Cavendish last fall and every morning there was a group of 5 fox... in the same spot in the middle of the same road for the entire week that we were there.

    They would just look up at the car and seem to say "...hey folks, where are you off to today. Got anything to eat in there?"

    We were amazed.

    I LOVE your china!!!!

  9. How very special to have that fox for a visitor. I love the pictures of him.

  10. What an amazing visitor. You were so lucky to get the photos. I have two fluffy doggies who would have been barking their heads off.

    I also love that tea cup. It's beautiful because of the chintz but particularly beautiful because of the black background. What a find!

    - The Tablescaper

  11. Hi Carolyn. Your needlepoint pillow is simply gorgeous. Love seeing the beautiful pictures!


  12. Wow! that was wonderful! Oh, my... I want to find a sweet, gorgeous fox sleeping on my doorstep. That is truly amazing. Thank you so much for sharing! Thank you for the tea too!

    Mermaid Debbie

  13. When I first read the title I assumed it would be a lovely china fox but no it was real one! Waht a treat to be able to see it and take a picture at that. I love foxes, especially as they help control the pesky squirrels.

  14. oooh how wonderful!
    I never saw a fox in real...just in a zoo...and he is lying on your amazing!

  15. The fox is beautiful and has the sweetest looking face!

    I'm actually havng a cup of tea right now, but it would be most wonderful to share one with you in person!

    I love everything about your blog, and I'm so glad I discovered it!

  16. What a cute little fox! So glad he found a cozy place out of the rain! When Jordan was home for Christmas, we watched a fox catch a seagull in our back yard and bury it under the snow. It was quite a sight! Love your chintz teacup!


  17. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Dennis got home from the hospital yesterday! Now it will be some weeks while he recovers. Thanks for asking and have a good day.


  18. What a beautiful fox. And his tail is lovely too. Here in Sweden they are often sick and have a thin, ugly tail.
    That pillow looks awesome. What a work and how many hours haven't been spent on that work?!
    Hope you have a nice day.
    Love Elzie

  19. Hi Carolyn,

    I missed your last post, but I have beens o busy. Sorry!!! What a beautiful little fox you had on you doorstep. You must have been delighted! We have foxes in Holland as well, but unfortunately we rarely see them. I like your finds, especially the chintz teacup!!

    Happy day! Lieve groet, Madelief
    (still enjoying your magazines :-)

  20. Carolyn, It is such a joy to visit your site each day. God has truly gifted you with your photography as well as a beautiful home and scenery surrounding it. Thank you for sharing with us each day your new discoveries. It is a highlight of each day for me.

  21. I am so glad you were able to capture the fox on camera - so nice of him to wait for you and to pose! I can just imagine what he was thinking as his big brown eyes peered up at you...perhaps a sincere "Thank you for letting me nap where it is warm an dry"? The last photo, of him leaving, seems to say, "Please save my spot for next time." (I fear the former kindergarten teacher is coming out in me!) Thank you for sharing this photo mosaic of this beautiful fox, Carolyn, and I hope you stay warm with plenty of tea today. I know I will!

  22. So glad I found you this morning. What a neat find and picture. Wonderful that he did not mind you coming around for the pictures. lol
    Love your site

  23. What a gorgeous fox! It seems your home is inviting to animals too--lovely. I love the pillow you found. I have been on the lookout for needlepoint pillows for my family room and haven't been as successful in the hunt as you were. Very nice! I'll keep looking. Paula

  24. Oh my heavens! What a gorgeous little fox.
    How lucky are you!

    I have a funny thing with foxes.
    I've only ever seen them when I've been pregnant!

    So I lucky fox are very lucky!!

  25. sorry, I THINK fox are very lucky.

  26. Carolyn,
    How neat to have a little fox resting on your porch.
    Glad you've shared this with us. I know for sure I have never caught a fox on my porch.
    Other critters but never a fox!
    Your china is always so pretty and I enjoy seeing it!
    Have a sweet week,

  27. What a beautiful visitor you had. I love the needlepoint cover and that beautiful chinz teacup.

  28. Oh what a sweet fox! does he visit often? Love the teacup.
    Blessings !

  29. Hi Gwendolyn,
    I have seen a fox around a few times lately but sometimes I don't see one for weeks. I have never had one come up on our veranda before though.

  30. What a great shot of Mr. Fox!! or Miss Foxy.. either or to have one on your doorstep must be good luck indeed.

    Love the needlepoint pillow and door hanger.. cute.

    with love,

  31. Hi Carolyn, I just love who you hang out with girl. Such a darling little creature. We have a lot of trouble around here them killing cats in the neighborhood. So I have a love hate relationship with them. Here in the country a lot of folks cats live inside and out.

  32. Your photos are so wonderful, once again. A sweet little fox and beautiful china, what could be better? I adore the tapestry pillow, it fits into your home so nicely.

  33. you had a fox sleeping at your doorstep?!?!? this is where those wonderful, classic, timeless children's books come from! how delightful!!!

  34. What a wonderful sight to see! The little fox looks so bright. He reminds me of my pomeranian "grand dog" I'm glad he was able to get some warmth and dryness on your porch for a little while.

    Lovely pillow and teacup and saucer!

  35. Oh that little fox:) He knows a good thing:)I am surprised he did not come in:)

  36. Oh what a precious animal..I love the face! So sweet that it curled up at your doorstep!

    The teacup is beautiful!

    Miss Bloomers

  37. Carolyn....I can't believe that you got that fox's picture! He looks so cute and innocent. Apparently he felt safe on your doorstep. I love the chintz pretty!~Patti

  38. I'm amazed that the fox would come that close to your house. What a treat to see your photos.

    The needlework pillow is lovely and so is the chintz teacup.

    Thanks for visiting me at Tea and Talk. I'm looking forward to exploring your beautiful blog.

  39. That is amazing! He looks like he wants to go inside, just like a dog sleeping on a doormat.

  40. Wow...that is awesome,we see them here but only on the side of the mountain,not in our own backyard!! Hope you are well,Chrissy

  41. The fox on the verandah - a sight of wonder to me, who live among concrete jungle...

  42. The fox on the verandah - a sight of wonder to me, who live among concrete jungle...

  43. Hi Carolyn,
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and becoming a follower! I love your FOX photos - how cute is that! He must have felt very safe on your porch. I love your blog!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  44. Hi Carolyn,

    It´s seldom you see a fox this close. Nice photos you got of him/her.

    Your pillow is beautiful. How do you freshen up the fabric without destroying the shape etc?

    Have a nice day,

  45. Oh my! That is so wonderful that you were able to photo journal the event, very well done might I add. Your blog is filled with so many lovely images and your home is gorgeous! Thank you for your comment and for following along, means a lot to me:)

    Have a great day,
    Christine :D

  46. Oh my goodness Carolyn what a cute little fox...I wonder if one can keep one as a pet? Hmmm. I think he's sooo cute. Isn't nature the best? Oh and what wonderful finds. Love your pretty little teacup. Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  47. oh, the fox does look beautiful! Cute pictures. They are a nuisance here...stealing our chickens and pet ducks.
    I do love all of your pictures and I am an avid gardener, too! And soon spring will be here with blooming fragrant roses and lilacs.

  48. Your fox made quite a hit! One year when we were staying in Stanhope a little fox came to breakfast every morning. I loved seeing him.

    What other wildlife do you have on PEI? Probably nothing much bigger than that fox, eh?

  49. Love the old needlepoint pillow, glad that you rescued it. That fox is so beautiful...and so smart to get out of the rain!

  50. What a gorgeous creature! I would have been glued to the window looking at him. Good for him, finding a charming place to rest until the rain went away.

  51. How awesome to have a fox in your veranda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once I saw one in my hill, I was so happy!!!
    Maria Cecilia

  52. I just love that fox - so peaceful curled up on your doorstep. thanks for sharing it with us.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
