Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mosaic Monday

Hello everyone,
I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We have had a return to winter as many of you as well. We did get several inches of snow and the temperature is colder but we are enjoying the sunshine!
As it is Mosaic Monday I made the above mosaic from some flowers that I have blooming now.
On Sunday morning the moon was still shining so i took a few pictures-I read on some where that this is the brighest moon of the year. You can see it over the roof of our little garden cottage. The bluejay was enjoying the sunflower seeds.
For those of you who like dishes I made this mosaic.
And for those of you that are tired of winter-I made you a mosaic of peonies!
Hope you are enjoying Mosaic Monday at Mary's Little Red House.
Thank you Mary for hosting
Thank you for visiting me!


  1. Beautiful mosaics! I would have a very difficult time picking a favorite!

    Looks like you already have spring indoors with your lovely blooms!

  2. What beautiful mosaics today. I continue hoping that spring is just around the corner.

  3. The flower mosaics are so pretty but, the dish mosaic stole my BEAUTIFUL!

  4. Love the way you do the mosaics...they are so beautiful. Hard to pick between the flowers and dishes.

  5. Such lovely mosaics! You have an amazing eye for beauty!

    I've been contemplating what color to paint the outside of our home; I am loving the grey your is wearing! Looks so soft and "at home" with its surroundings. =)

  6. They're all such wonderful mosaics. We were in the midst of a snow storm so we missed the Wolf moon...but you got some great shots.

  7. Oh my! These are delightful mosaics! Absolutely stunning...each of them!

  8. Such beautiful mosaics and I am sure we all long for spring with our flower mosaics.

  9. Morning Carolyn from the UK with a covering of snow!!

    Your beautiful mosaics always cheer me up, I think we are all looking forward to the Spring and seeing some wonderful shrubs and flowers in our parks and gardens. Also a little sun and warmth is needed!

    I love your photograph of the moon, it looked great here to, but it was too cold to go out and take a photograph. We had a lovely sun set last night, but I was driving home with it behind me.

    Have a good week, I know I will be having lots of cups of tea so will be thinking of you and yours with your lovely house, china and flowers and how you invite us to share a "cuppa" with you!!

    Jackie in UK

  10. Oooh.. Lovely! I'm one of the "tired of winter" sort!!

  11. Oh I really love peonies!

  12. LOVE IT ALL!!!! One day, you may just get a visit from some of us to see in person your beautiful home & gardens.

  13. I love the picture of the moon above the cottage! Delightful!

  14. Wow..each mosiac is have chosen pictures that looks so wonderful together. Don't know which one I like the best...I'm yearing for peonies though!

    Beautiful post!

    Miss Bloomers

  15. what a beautiful medley...well done..thanks for giving me something pretty to look at with my morning cup of coffee


    come by and see me sometime.

  16. Hello Carolyn: All of your mosaics are just outstanding. The moon photos were especially fabulous. And I adore peonies. My grandmother grew them in her garden. Thank you for starting my day off in such a positive way. Sincerely, Susan from

  17. Carolyn I LOVE your spring Mosaics...such a breath of fresh air on this dreary wintery day :) x

  18. Hi!
    Welcome as follower on my blog, I´m very happy and thanks a lot also for your nice comment in my blog.

    You have a wonderful taste, beautiful mosaics!

    Warm greetings!

  19. Carolyn, beautiful as always. The shot of the moon on Sunday was incredible. The shot with the checks and toile stole my heart... hugs ~lynne~

  20. Carolyn.....Always uplifting! I hope my peonies bloom this year!~Patti

  21. Hi Carolyn,

    Today's post is just beautiful. The pictures of the snow, your garden house and the moon are enchanting!!! So pretty with the snow and the blue sky. You asked me if I have received the second parcel, but no I haven't. I don't think it will be long before I do. I am looking forward to them very much. Especially now I have read the others! I am glad you all enjoyed the Jeanne d'Arc living. Your Victoria magazines will go to a collegue. She loves to read this kind of magazines very much too!

    Have a happy evening!

    Lieve groet Madelief

  22. Oh, I just love your mosaics today. And the beautiful moon!!
    Hope you're having a great day.
    Love Elzie

  23. Hi carolyn,Your dishes and flowers are just beautiful!!You have the most beautiful home,and your garden is just a dream.It must be like heaven in the summer.Ann of green gables is my favorite movie of all times.I watch it at least once a month.....Kathy

  24. Beautiful flowers Carolyn.
    Just when it was getting spring- like, back comes the cold and snow. Of course it's way too early for us to have spring but it can't come soon enough.
    I was thinking of doing peonies in a mosaic myself sometime soon; all of mine are from friends which makes them even more special.
    Have a cozy week by the fire. :-)

  25. Awesome mosaics, two are my favorites. the flowers and the one with the moon and the jay.

  26. Omigosh Carolyn, a visit here is always so soothing! I love your moon shots, and how wonderful to include dishes and peonies as well. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :)

  27. Carolyn!!! These are such magical mosaics, the photo is just beautiful! Great job and thanks for sharing! Happy MM!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
