Friday, August 19, 2011

Tea with a Kindred Spirit

Hello Everyone,
   I hope you had a good week. Here on the Island it is Old Home Week and so there are exciting horse races,the carnival rides and the exhibit of handcrafts,farm animals etc. So, this is one of the busiest weeks all summer for tourism etc. I have to confess that even though I would enjoy the seeing the handicrafts I don't like the crowds so I haven't gone for a few years. Today, was parade day and I missed that too-must be getting old! My 93 year old friend Erna is putting me to shame again as she braves the heat and the crowds every year to take it all in.
  Today I wanted to tell you a little about my friend Linda who cane to visit us last week along with her husband from Newfoundland which involved a flight to Halifax of a couple of hours and then a four hour drive from Halifax to our home.Linda has a blog Beautiful Ideas -aptly named as it has lots of beautiful ideas for inspiration. Linda and I have been emailing back and forth for several weeks now and we quickly realized that we are kindred spirits.We both share a love of gardening,china,decorating, baking and Christmas.It was so lovely to meet Linda and Midge in person. The funny thing is even her hubby and mine had much in common as well. We enjoyed spending time with them on a couple of occasions and the rest of the time Linda was visiting my favorite shops buying all the same things that I love and a few I already had-we had a good chuckle over that!

The cup and saucers above are Linda's from The Coach House antique shop in Victoria by the Sea. It was love at first sight for both of us-I told Linda she was lucky she saw them first.They are so beautiful-don't you agree! Linda came bearing gifts one of which was this specialty tea and the pretty napkins in first pic.
You can see the lacy pattern better here.
We enjoyed some whole wheat scones with whipped cream and lemon curd and peach crumble pie along with our tea after we toured our garden.

Linda also bought this teapot from the same shop- I have two very similar ones! Linda also bought some red toile pillow shams that I had bought last year! I am telling you-two peas in a pod!

This is the lovely Linda herself-I hope you will pop in and say hi to her. you can click on her sidebar to see her most recent posts.Linda has been battling cancer recently and organized a big 'pink days' fundraiser that was very successful and will be an annual event! Good for you Linda for doing such a 'good thing' and touching the lives of many going through a difficult time.

You can probably tell I really loved these teacups!
I am so glad that Linda and Midge are already planning a trip back next Fall as we will look forward to seeing them again for sure!

Now,it is one of our hottest days all summer so I am off to do some porch sitting-where did I put my iced tea!
Bernideen is hosting a tea party at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog- check it out!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.



Bernideen said...

She looks like a sweety! I am glad you were able to visit and rekindle old memories!

* said...

Your pictures and your blog is wonderful


Elzie said...

How nice to be able to meet in real life! And you are absolutely right, it's great!
Hope you have a nice weekend.
Love Elzie

(eddas) said...

Sucha beautifuel china with roses..just LOVE them:)

The Old Parsonage said...

What a wonderful time it looks like both she and you had. It's true great minds do think alike!

I so enjoying stopping by to see your gardens and all.


podso said...

It sounds like a wonderful time==both Linda's visit and the doings in your town. Interesting, isn't it, how we find kindred spirits through our blogs!

Veronica said...

Love the delicate cups and the tea pot is a classic!


Madelief said...

Hi Carolyn,

The visit from your friend sounds really exciting. She looks very sweet on the photo! She brought some lovely gifts.

The card for your mother is on its way. I hope you will receive it soon!

Happy weekend,


Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful day, Carolyn!

I loved seeing the photos of my finds. My hubby and I brought all the dishes I purchased in our carry-ons on board the plane; and amazingly, none broke. The security officer gave him a hard time over the fact that he was toting a pink paisley shopping bag filled with china, saying it wasn't 'his business'...Chuckle!

Needless to say, I was most concerned for the antique teapot that you had so generously given me - my all-time favourite from your blog photos; and I know how it was one of your favourites, too. I am so very touched by your gift. It now sits on a table in a place of honour in our living room - you can now watch for photos of it on my blog! He He

Hopefully, when I return next fall (please God), I'll have my real hair back (although my wig is very much like my own), and will have shed the weight, some of which is a result of the cancer treatments and meds (some of it not!) - I just had to mention that as I am now more than ever critical of photos of myself...Ahh, yes, I am a vain woman! He He SMILE.

Your post brings me right back to you! I so treasure our time together. I am now looking forward to seeing you and Andrew again, and to walking the Confederation Trail on your beautiful Island.

Love you,

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I SO glad there are beautiful people still enjoying tea and tea parties. Seems in my area of the world so many tend not to do that anymore. And I miss it!

That's why I very happy to come and visit and share a fragrant cup with YOU!


What a wonderful visit! I love to see old friends, so many remembrances and specially with a beautiful tea with gorgeous lacy cups and an stunning transferware tea pot! The food lokks so yummy...wish I were an old friend too! Have a nice weekend. FABBY

ShabbyESP said...

What beautiful pictures I just love the sweet china.
What a great day for the both of you!!!
Suzann ~xoxo~

Mary said...

Oh, that's really beautiful. I have never seen lacy china like that before.

Lounging with a Latte said...

The tea set is exquisite, so delicate and pretty, I love it!!

Unknown said...

This is so sweet. I love that you and Linda spent time together. I have met many friends through Yahoo groups and hope to meet more friends through blogging. It's a nice place to be. All your photo's once again are just lovely.
Kindredly,(LOL) Shirley

Pamela Gordon said...

I think it's wonderful that you met Linda and her husband and got along like two peas in a pod! I love the dises she found. So beautiful! I'll be checking out her blog now. Wasn't that a beautiful summer day? Have a great weekend. Pamela

All Bliss Be Thine said...

How delightful to come to your blog today and find you have my china pattern Billingsley Rose featured on your post. I have a huge set of this pattern and I just love it. Thanks again for so much beautiful inspiration. Nice you and your friend are such kindred spirits and can share your love of beautiful things.

Heaven's Walk said...

What a blessing for you both, Carolyn! It's amazing how blogging can create such special friendships. I'm so glad that Linda got up there to your beautiful island to spend some time with you! Two beautiful ladies drinking tea from some beautiful tea cups! :)

xoxo laurie

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Oh, what a pretty teacup! Yes, she's lucky she saw it first! Loved her teapot too. Your tea looks wonderful. I spied your wire carrier on the table and I didn't realize you had the whole set too. I'm glad you and Linda were able to meet. How fun is that! She seems like a real sweetie. Have a nice day...Sandi

Antiques And Teacups said...

How wonderful to have a special tea with a friend. Love the napkins matching the teacup! You must have had a marvelous visit!...and tea as well!

Quiltaholic said...

Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL blog! I love Victorian Romance and can't wait for my redecorating to get underway - we live in sizzling Texas right now so we don't dare move during the heat of summer, but, hybernation will be over soon. *HUGS* and Alohas to you and your inspiration!

PeregrineBlue said...

what spectacular teacups. i'm tempted to search for one.
you have always have the most inspiring photos.

Susan Freeman said...

Such beautiful pics ~ always a delight to visit you!

Susan and Bentley