Hello everyone,
There is another big storm headed our way tomorrow and since we already have tons of snow,I am just going to do a little summer dreaming. In going back and looking at some shots of our garden in previous summers I gathered some to share with you in case you are looking ahead to spring and summer too.
Light and airy Thalictrum with an old birdhouse that my husband made for me many years ago.
I love garden statues
pretty delphinium
early morning mist
hydrangea and phlox
I am looking forward to some of this color in the garden
Love the color of this oriental poppy!
pink peonies,magnificum gernanium,hosta and columbine make a pretty combination.
Deutizia shrub covered in a mass of white flowers.
The spring garden behind 'Audrey' our statue.
Just a little peek at all that is to come but in the mean time enjoy we might as well enjoy the beauty of what we have right now-lots of white stuff!
I am joining Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home again today.
I am joining Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home again today.
I also joined in for Show Off Saturday at Hakans lovely blog click here.
Thank you for visiting,
I am so envious of your garden. I just can not get delphiums to do well, yours are gorgeous!
Always a delight to stop by your lovely place. Dreaming of Summer with you!
It's a blizzard outside on the Kansas Prairie. So nice to be inside.
Your pics are gorgeous.
God bless,
*sigh* I just posted my garden plans for the summer. Though I have hundreds of perennials in the side beds I ordered almost 200 more today!
Spring, do you hear me?
I know I say this every time I comment, but I HAVE to say it again: the photos are stunning, as are the gardens!!!
Hi Carolyn,
Every photo is breathtaking! I am so looking forward to spring!!
So stunning! I hope you don't mind that I am sending my readers to you...we all could use a dose of your gorgeous blog with stunning visuals!
Thank you for blessing us with your lovely blog!
What a beautiful reminder of what is to come!~Hugs, Patti
I hope you know that touring your garden and sharing tea with you is on my bucket list. Oh my Carolyn, what is it about beauty that makes us start to dream? Your flowers are just that...dreamy!
Sigh. I am so jealous. It is way too hot in Brisbane, Australia to grow half of these plants. I would love to be able to grow peonies. Especially pink ones!
What a beautiful garden!
Your pictures made me dream...
Spring is coming and I hope it will be generous for all!
Have a nice day!
An inspiration. Thank you for sharing and I love that you told us the name of the flowers. Now I know some I will be getting for our yard.
Thanks for the peek! It was just what the doctor ordered. Here in NW Ohio the snow is coming also ..about 8 inches! I really am ready for SPRING!
Carolyn...your garden is beautiful and the photos are amazing! My favorite is your airy Thalictrum photo...the pretty delicate purple flowers with the birdhouse in the background...great photo!
Thank you for giving us a peek and some sunshine.
What a fun look ahead. I love all your full boarders. Your garden is so magical. How do you ever tear yourself away from it?
Ohhhhh,I can hear the birds! Smell the flowers! See all the colors! What? It was just a dream? Those are more snowflakes coming down in chilly profusion? Darn. Thought it was spring. Nice memories, Carolyn. Exquisite photography. Susan
Oh my gosh Carolyn, you should be sooooo proud of your garden, the photos look like something out of a magazine!!!!
What a relaxing get away.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Barb in 86 degrees Texas
Yes, 86 degrees!!!
wat een mooie kleurenpracht, maar we moeten nog wel even wachten he.
gr Stina
You have a really beautiful garden, that oriental poppy is such a gorgeous colour. If I didn't know that you are in the USA I'd swear that this was a cottage garden somewhere in England.
Carolyn, your music and your garden have soothed my soul. I will be leaving for work in about five minutes, and I am so glad I visited you first.
I could actually feel then tension in my neck and shoulders abate. I'll think of you and your dreams of spring today.
I hope to see you tomorrow for Pink Saturday. I think we're all dreaming of pink blooms.
Oh My Goodness! These are just gorgeous pictures! Thank you for sharing. :)
Hi Carolyn
Thanks for the breath of spring. I too need this with the storm coming, it's already started snowing here.
One of the mail order catalogues is offering the lilac 'Beauty of Moscow' and after reading how much you love this variety, I'm going to order one.
Spring... spring... spring... I need you!
What dreams you give us Carolyn! Your garden is lush and gorgeous! Sensuality and romance abound within every inch of your paradise. I too love your statues and birdhouses. Is that a large mirror in the garden reflecting one of your ladies? As I look out on the snow and now rain coming down, I find your world most inspiring and encouraging. Thank you Carolyn!
Carolyn, Thank you showing pictures of your spring, just what I need to cheer me up. The sun has not been seen in weeks. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.
Hello Carolyn,
Your delphinium picture is my favorite by far. I can't wait to start digging in the dirt. :-)
I love the colored boarders on your pictures. They look really great and makes the pictures come to life.
Thanks for the beautiful post.
Oh I love the morning mist! It always makes me feel at peace for some reason. We have had snow all morning and if I only had one wish, it would be for Old Man Winter to be gone!
Thanks for a peek at what can only one day arrive..
Oh, what a breath of spring air you have provided. Your garden is so beautiful and your pictures look so professional.
Hello, Your photos are extremely, beautiful. I live in a tropical country, most of the time we are in the same climate, many people ahnelan the summer or spring, it suddenly loomed up her beautiful face, meanwhile, his beautiful and so successful photos at less comfortable new hope for spring / summer, Greetings, Rose Marie
I think you are ready for spring to come!
What a nice blog you gott and these are just gorgeous pictures.
God bless,
Many beautiful things here.
Heaven!! Thank you! Love, Joy
I want my garden to be as beautiful as yours Carolyn but I don't think that could ever be possible.
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