Friday, October 29, 2010

Autumn Colors in our Garden

Hello everyone,

I want to share some of the autumn colors in our garden with you today. It was a nice day to be out doing some clean up jobs but I got side tracked a bit with my camera as I love to record the changes in the garden-daily it might seem to some of you! I enjoy all my garden photos so much in the winter time when I start to dream of it's return. I am sure all you gardener's do that too.

I love how the foliage of the hardy rugosa type roses turn bright autumn colors.

With pretty rosehips.

Some of the burning bushes have lost most of their leaves while a few in shadier spots are just turning.

I still enjoy the hydrangeas even through they have turned brown.They give such a long season of color.

The purple nineback.

Sedum is another easy care plant with a long season of interest.

Even seed heads give interest and beauty and feed the birds besides.

The sumac are so pretty in the fall.

Still lots of berries on the golden elders although the birds have been enjoying them for weeks now.

I was pleasantly surprised to see we still have a few roses blooming-I think this one is sexy rexy.

close up shot.

This little fairy(3 year old granddaughter Abby) came to visit and was the original reason for grabbing my camera. She is proudly holding a bag of treats from a Halloween party-I see a sugar high coming on!

Have a wonderful weekend,



Angela said...

I love it. I wish my roses made hips. Are yours consumable?

ShabbyESP said...

Such a beautiful garden even in the fall.
Thank you for sharing

Sandy said...

Beautiful... said...

Your garden is certainly beautiful all year through and your camera work is incredible! Have a great weekend, Jackie in Surrey, UK.

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi Carloyn, Thanks for the lovely stroll :-)) Your gardens never fail to delight me!
Have a great weekend:-)

jovialjudi said...

Gorgeous!! Have a fabulous weekend! Hugs, Judi

joy said...

I love your post! This time of year is the best! Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures!

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Carolyn...

Your gardens are absolutely gorgeous in their fall finery, my friend! Ohh...and that little fairy granddaughter is just adorable! What a precious smile!!!

Warmest autumn wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design

ღ M@ddy ღ said...

Ciao Carolyn,
splendida "carrellata" come sempre, non ti smentisci mai... il nuovo look del tuo blog mi piace molto, però ora ho difficoltà a tradurti in italiano...
...chissà perchè?

Mille baci e buon weekend a te! ♥


ღ M@ddy ღ said...

(Ah, ok, ho risolto, tutto a posto! )

Bacio! ♥


It's me said...

Beautiful autumn..........happy day Ria.....

Zuzana said...

Hello, I came over from Sandy (Teacup Lane) as your beautiful autumn collage on her sidebar caught my eye. Stunning images of autumn colours, absolutely gorgeous. I love to make collages myself.
Many greetings from Denmark,

Gail said...

You really helped me learn how to properly photograph a home garden- focus on the INDIVIDUAL flower shape and color. Thanks for sharing pics of your lovely garden.

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

Thanks for the tour! Your so right about looking at garden pictures in the winter. The header on my blog is my yard in June...and it is my screen saver so I can dream when it is freezing out.

Alex aus dem Gwundergarten said...

Autumn colors are just great! I especially love your collages with the rose and their hips. And the fairy is such a beauty :o). Thank you for taking us in your colorful garden.
Take care

My Ugly Garden said...

Absolutely gorgeous!

Princesa Nadie said...

Lovely and enchanting Autumm images

Raffaella said...

Hi Carolyn... what a beautiful garden! It's always a surprise for me!...

Georgianna said...

Incredible spectrum of colors, Carolyn. Recording the changes in the garden is very helpful for the winter months. And what a treat to have a few roses still blooming! Ours are mostly winding down but Graham Thomas is still going strong. Have a lovely Halloween weekend! – g

Bernideen said...

It would be hard to decide which post was the most lovely - all of them!

Heather's Blog-o-rama said... the photo collages of all the pretty things in your garden :) :) Oh, I can imagine your granddaughter will have fun enjoying all the sugary treats in her candy bag :) :) Have a lovely week!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

p.s. There is no such things as too many garden photos :) :)

Debby said...

WOW!! Your photos are amazing and so beautiful. Abby is so sweet.

podso said...

That rose is exquisite. I love the shade of pink. The mosaics are lovely. Hope you are enjoying the cool weather and the weekend!

June said...

Oh Carolyn, your garden is holding on to it's beauty! Don't you love it? I am so thankful that the garden remains so lovely even in it's starkness or I don't think I could bear to see it go dormant. I am enjoying all the different textures and colors and look for differences and change daily.
Your little g-daughter is so darling.

Your previous post was so lovely. The little vintage doll is a treasure.
hugs to you...

Anonymous said...

Autum is such a glorious season, I cannot be tired to look at those colorful leaves and last flowers.

Have a Happy Halloween

♥ Hélène Glehen - a French artist, fond of roses and romantic stuff ♥

Elzie said...

Beautiful photos you show today.
Hope you have a nice day.
Love Elzie

Unknown said...

Gorgeous images from a magicl place.

Your photography skills never cease to amaze me...thank for the wonderful Sunday morning eye candy.


Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Carolyn, your garden is beautiful in the fall...lovely pics!

Madelief said...

Hi Carolyn,

You have changed your blog layout. I like it! Your garden still looks pretty. I haven't been to our garden for a while. It's too wet and cold. Jan went yesterday and said it was still beautiful with all the autumn colours!

Wish you a great halloween!

Lieve groet, Madelief

Kelsie from Our Country Home and Studio Photography said...

So wonderful to see the deep colors of fall thru your camera lens..Thank you for the eye candy.


Heaven's Walk said...

Carolyn - your photos are always soooooo beautiful. I, too, find solace in looking at my garden pics during the long winter months. It helps me get through those cold dreary days. :)

xoxo laurie

Suz said...

How beautiful your fall garden is. It is amazing that you still have roses!! You do live in a paradise Carolyn! Susan :)

Ingmarie We said...

Outstanding photos and mosiacs. And you have a fantastic garden, so beautiful.

jose said...

Beautiful pictures and a lovely granddaugther. Automn and Spring.

Jose, Holland

Hélène Flont , french illustrator said...

it seems Carolyn that autumn is prettier in your garden than elsewhere .Maybe because you look after the garden well all year. This is the reward: a wonderful automn.
Have a nice week, and thank you for coming to visit "mon atelier".

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Carolyn,

Lovely photos from your garden once again. The red of your Sumac is striking.
We just got back from the mountains in Tennessee and there were lots of Sumacs too.
Your 3-year old granddaughter looks as pretty as your roses.

Have a great week and sunny greetings from Georgia,


Unknown said...

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Char said...

Oh Carolyn, I don't think I could be in the house with all that beauty outside. The colors are gorgeous and I just couldn't get enough of it. Rich and deep, you have it all. I am in the desert, so it's usually in the 70's during the day. My garden is just beginning to wake up after the heat of summer, so I have roses and gardenias blooming. I would love to see the fall you have shared with us, Char

Rozen van papier said...

Such a beautiful coulours in your garden, like a fairytale and still the roses! The pictures are like a painting,

regards Janny

Jackie McGuinness said...

Hi, what a pretty site! Found you from over at Between Naps on the Porch!!!

Sarah said...

Carolyn, these mosaics are beautiful. Wish TX experienced more fall color. Thanks for sharing yours. Little Abby is precious! ~ Sarah