Friday, September 9, 2022

Aqua Tea

Hello everyone,

Today was another beautiful day
and I enjoyed lunch with good friends
at a summer cottage. It seems we
have all been busy this summer so
it was nice to catch up.

I apologize to those who have been
following my blog by email and
are no longer getting them to notify
that I have posted.
I know I am not very computer savvy
so I don't know how to correct this....
if any of you have any info to share
on this I would be happy to hear from

Just a simple post today on a pretty new teacup
and placemats on a recent treasure hunt.

Aqua is such a pretty summer color.

A small bouquet of pink hydrangeas from
our garden.

We were saddened to hear of the Queen's
passing yesterday. She certainly set a 
wonderful example for us all.

Thank you for visiting and I hope
you will pop in again soon!

Have a great weekend,



  1. Dearest Carolyn,
    Your aqua tea cup is a beauty!
    And what a lush hydrangeas you still got.

  2. I'm assuming you don't have anyplace where I can sign up to get your blog. I always got it thru Bloglovin but apparently they have changed how they send blogs out. They seem to only show some each day which means perhaps once a week I get one of yours. And some times I think they don't send anything out. Something has changed with them -and not for the best.

  3. I like tea for you. You have amazing porcelain. I wish you good health.

  4. Oh I see here where you mention that others are not getting your posts either! I don't know the solution. I'm seeing that with many many blogs, so I've made a list of the ones I can remember, and try to go and check periodically as to what they've been up to! I still get a few notices, but not for the many many that I follow1 I did use bloglovin' for awhile too, but then it changed, and I would get many popups of other blogs that I never subscribed to, and it was so annoying, I quit going to Bloglovin'. I don't know why "they" change things.. usually for the worse! Your aqua teacup and mat are so so pretty. I'm changing my colors in my home to more aquas rather than greens. Pink and green was my "go to" colors, but now I like the aqua and pink and it's so soothing! Take care.. Marilyn


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
