Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Sunshine Yellow

Hello everyone,

I was happy to be able to pick
my first bouquet from our
spring garden yesterday.

They make me smile!

I love the cherry yellow of our
early daffodils.

The teapot was a gift from my
husband several years ago.
 it is a Royal Elfreda
Blushing Beauty.

Every day now the garden moves
forward bit by bit.

A pretty Rose Cameo Peach
teacup by Royal Albert.

This Aynsley teacup was one
of my Mom's collection.


  1. Yellow is such a bright and pretty colour

  2. Dearest Carolyn,
    Congratulations on your first bouquet of spring joy in yellow!
    Enjoy it.
    Have been pulling weeds yesterday and today, so much to do and it is hard work. Need to shower and get dressed for choir practice but wanted to stretch my aching mid back in my super comfy office chair.

  3. So pretty! I love your collection of porcelains and tea cups, especially the Aynsley. Thank you Carolyn.

  4. Oh so pretty! Daffodils make me smile too! I bought a pot just to set by my front porch and love looking at them all day long. Spring is very slow to come here in central Oregon, but I see my crabapple tree is just about ready to bloom. I can hardly wait, but it's very short lived. I love your yellow teacups and the teapot.. they make me smile too! Marilyn

  5. HI Carolyn,
    I am planning a trip to Prince Edward Island in June. First time ever! I have tried the link on Cottages for rent on your page but am directed to a wrong page. Also will you have any garden tours this summer at your place.
    I am coming from Australia!


  6. Hi Lisa,
    Could you sent me an email and I can give you some info. Thanks for letting me know about the link.My email is carolyn.mary.aiken @gmail .com.
    Lovely to have visitors all the way from Australia to our Island!

  7. That post just made me happy. Love the bright sparkle from the yellow.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
