Saturday, April 2, 2022

Shades of Purple

Welcome April !

I am always happy to welcome April
as the days are longer and the garden
is showing lots of signs of life. Also,
I love seeing more songbirds in the
garden......Oh! good things are

                                                          Shades of purple are the theme of
                                                          the day. Right now we are still in
                                                           the brown(mud) phase of the year
                                                          so I am craving color.

A splash of color

I love purple /blue in the garden

I can't wait to set up the porch for
spring again.

Of course I have to have some
purple transferware. I don't
see it often around here but
I always snap it up when I do.

Before we know it, lupin season
will be here. I love going for a
drive and seeing it growing wild
along our country roads.

Who doesn't love a bouquet of
lilacs.....I know I do!

I will end with a cup of tea in
the sunroom.

I hope you enjoy the rest of
your weekend!

Thanks for visiting,



  1. Dearest Carolyn,
    Your lilacs are something to be envied as we don't see them here in the South. Tried several ones but they all died.
    Never saw any purple transferware but your cup and saucer look majestic.
    Lovely photos.

  2. Carolyn, your images are always so beautiful, I just want to crawl into the pictures and live there. You must live in a magical universe. It's always such a delight to read your blog. Thank you for sharing your magical universe.

  3. Can you tell me what kind of lilac, or lilacs, you have in your garden? There are so many of them!

  4. I love purple also! I wish there were more blue flowers too!

  5. Hi Lisa,
    Thank you for your kind glad youenjot my pics.
    The lilac that I am picking a bouquet from is the common lilac
    that is readily available and it is one of my best bloomers.
    I also love the Beauty of Moscow, Sensation, Charles Joly and
    MMadame Lemoine to name a few favorites in our garden.
    I also, love the Preton lilacs that bloom just after the french
    lilacs and the the Ivory Silk Japanese lilac blooms and fills
    the garden with a heavenly fragrance.
    Can't wait to have them bloom again.
    Enjoy your day!

  6. LOVE the Lilacs!!! Love, love, love them.

  7. I am craving colour too...this post made my eyes so happy. Especially the photo of the set-up on the lovely!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
