Saturday, October 9, 2021

A Sunny Day Autumn Tea in the Terrace


                                                                                   Hello  everyone,

                                                                        We have enjoyed beautiful calm sunny

                                                                    days here lately so it is lovely to enjoy the

                                                                    beauty of the early fall garden from the shade

                                                                    of the terrace.



                                                                         Our terrace is shaded by Virginia creeper

                                                                       and a grape vine.

                                                                       The hydrangeas are still so pretty

                                                                      in the garden and they make beautiful

                                                                     bouquets as well.




                                                                 I love these soft brown and white vintage

                                                                soup bowls.


                                                             I would like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving

                                                             weekend to all my Canadian friends as we

                                                            enjoy all the blessings of the harvest season.

                                                                             Thank you for visiting,  



  1. Dearest Carolyn,
    Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving!
    Lovely terrace for enjoying a tea or lunch.
    Those hydrangeas are still exceptional; considering the time of year.

  2. Good Morning!
    Happy Thanksgiving, Carolyn, to you & all the family!
    The light is so lovely in these photos. I love that silver spoon!
    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  3. Looks so lovely! I am dreaming to visit Canada some day. Many of my relatives moved to Canada and USA 100-160 years ago. Some of them came back. The climate and nature is near by ours (in Finland) and I think there would be lovely to live! :)

  4. It is so beautiful! I love the brown soup bowls so much! My little hydrangea bush died. It was newly planted but I think I will leave it be until next year to see what happens.

  5. What a pretty spot to relax! Your table is lovely. I love the hydrangeas. August went by without much rain which turned ours brown quickly but I did dry quite a few to give away. That is such a pretty spot for photos!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
