Thursday, September 16, 2021

A Late Summer Garden Tea

Hello everyone,

It is a beautiful day here but
there is a touch of autumn in
the air .
I do love the autumn light in
the garden now.

It is still lovely for tea in the
garden though so I love to
be outdoors as much as possible.

I think this yellow enamelware teapot
and  the cups are charming
for a casual garden tea.

We are having our tea today in
the Allee garden under the
grape arbor.

Can you see the grapes hanging
down from the arbor.
We have a good crop this year.....
hope the birds enjoy them!

Such a beautiful day!

    We had our bags all packed
      to go on a trip to Quebec City
       but with a fourth wave of covid
       spreading across Canada  trips
       out of province are discouraged
        so we have decided to postpone
until a later date. 
           So now instead of a trip we decided
              to paint our library and get that project
           done.......fair trade don't you think!

                  Hopefully, soon we can all get back to normal.

Thank you for visiting!




  1. Dearest Carolyn,
    So sorry that you couldn't start your planned trip to Québec City...!
    Certainly one of our most favorite cities.
    Your garden still looks lovely for a tea.

  2. I love these vignettes! They kept me going during the past year that I couldn't visit PEI. Is Aiken House & Gardens open to the public? I have a flight to Charlottetown on September 21!

  3. Your garden is lovely as always. Someday I would love to see it in person.

  4. That sucks about your trip but great photos

  5. Your garden looks so relaxing and I love the yellow tea set.

  6. Lovely photos! Enjoy in the garden! We have too cold (+7C) to sit outside. So sad.

  7. Writing from Ontario. I get a bit blue at the end of summer. I know that Autumn is probably the most gorgeous season, but it is followed by you-know-what, so I tend not to enjoy it.

    Quebec City, a gorgeous spot. It isn't going anywhere, is it?! I think Vieux Quebec is just as good as going to Europe, much less expensive!

    I very much enjoy your blog as a gardener and decorator and mother to a large brood. PEI is definitely on our post-covid bucket list. Since the children are in virtual school, we are thinking of taking them to PEI this spring (before school ends) and renting a little cottage.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
