Monday, August 23, 2021

Yellow Garden Roses

Happy Monday!

I hope you are enjoying the
start of a new week as August
is quickly slipping away.

I love these David Austen English
roses as well as this pretty teacup.
The teacup is Rose Cameo Peach
by Royal Albert.

Still picking fresh blueberries
from our garden.
I enjoyed them in my breakfast
smoothie this morning.

Golden Celebration Rose is pretty
hardy in our zone 5b garden.

                           Well, I am supposed to be out deadheading
                                     in our garden so I better get back to work!

                                                       Thank you for visiting,



  1. Gorgeous roses! I dont have any. :( Our gardens have been baking in the heat although my weeds seem to be happy. I am an optimistic gardener so next year will be better! I love your garden photos.

  2. Dearest Carolyn,
    Lovely and full David Austin English roses you captured.
    Enjoy them fully.
    Your 5b zone is far more garden friendly then our zone 8...

  3. To paraphrase L.M. Montgomery, I’m so glad I live in a world where your blog exists It’s been a much needed escape for me as I battle mounting autoimmune diagnoses in the midst of this pandemic. Thank you for making our lives a more beautiful, relaxing place with your talent, creativity, and uplifting zest for life. I am writing a short story for my niece on behalf of her thirteenth birthday and was wondering if I could use a few pictures from your home tour to add in for inspiration to her imagination? If there’s a form or anything similar I need to fill out I’ll for sure do it, just point me in the right direction! Again, thank you for sharing your stunning corner of the world with the rest of us.

  4. Hi Sara,
    Thank you for your kind words. Yes you may use
    a few of my photos for your book for your niece.
    Best wishes for your health.
    Take care,


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
