Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Our Little Secret Garden

Hello everyone,

Tucked in behind fences is
our little secret garden.
Many of you have seen it
before but is very pretty
at this time of the year.

                       The  blue arbor built by my husband
                         several years ago leads the way in.to
this little secret spot.

The white Deutiza shrubs are in
full bloom by mid June.

Did you notice the mirror at the back
with the statue in front of it. It
is to the left in this photo.

Last winter our old mirror broke after
several years of being out there all
year . I really missed it so I was
happy to replace it for $10 from
a yard sale.

       The bistro set was also a yard sale
find several years ago and I just
    gave it a fresh coat of blue paint.

I have had tea in this garden
a couple of times with different
I love the alliums that were
abundant in our garden this
spring. They are spreaders
though which is great up
to a point.

The garden is changing so quickly......
all my peonies are popping now
and the Korean Lilacs are in
bloom alond with the Canadian
Preston Lilacs so the garden
smells amazing too.
I took lots of photos so
I will share some soon.

Thank you for visiting



  1. Carolyn,
    What a charming little spot in the garden.....
    Love the blue color of the chairs and the table....Thanks for sharing!

  2. Everything looks so pretty in your "Secret Garden". Loved the photos!

  3. Oh the secret garden is so special - what a wonderful spot for quiet contemplation and a cup of tea, and one of your special treats! I love the blues that you have painted things.. and those alliums are so beautiful. I would love to have some in my yard. I look forward to seeing your Iris photos! I am looking into finding some that will bloom twice a year. I did find some in the Breck's catalog! Enjoy this wonderful weather! Marilyn

  4. OMG, this just looks so cool, lush and refreshing with your palette of blues, greens and whites. A perfect oasis, especially to a hot and parched Californian. I so love reading your blog and seeing your beautiful pictures of your gardens and homes, Carolyn. Thanks so very much for sharing.

  5. It’s stunningly beautiful. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face. Have a great day.

  6. Good Morning, Carolyn!
    I think it's my favourite spot in your garden--what am I saying! Your entire garden is spectacularly breathtaking! That was a large mirror, so you had great luck in finding a replacement--a bit expensive, though, don't ya think?! Haha Honestly, Carolyn, you are the Queen when it comes to amazing finds! Thanks for the tip about the alliums. I had planned to plant some in my smaller flower beds but I quickly changed my mind upon reading your post. All is gorgeous, dear friend. We've had some lovely summer, sunny days but can you imagine that we have a frost warning tonight! Sheesh!
    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  7. Oh, what a treat! I love the blue so much. Thank you for sharing it with us.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
