Wednesday, February 10, 2021

A Cosy Winter Day Tea

                                                            Hello everyone,

                                          It seems winter has arrived here on
                                          PEI as we had a snowstorm on Monday
                                          and it has been colder since then. We are
                                          enjoying some sunshine though so that 
                                          makes it all so much better.

After our walk in the fresh air it
is nice to warm up by the fireside
with a cup of hot tea.

Cosy winter blues

I made some sugar cookies for a treat.

Blue and white teacups are
pretty anytime of the year.

Biscuits and tea

Cosy up

     We did get about a foot of snow giving
            us a good ground cover for outdoor sports.

        Hope you are enjoying your day!

Take care,


  1. Hi Carolyn,
    Love your blue and white theme today. Your photographs are always so magical.
    The fire is cosy and warm. And the cookies look delicious. Have a lovely Valentine's Day on Sunday.

  2. I love all of that pretty blue and white!

  3. Love your blue transferware, Carolyn. And, those biscuits! YUMMY!
    Everything is so cozy by the fire. Stay warm & safe, dear friend. XO
    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  4. Lovely wintery setting. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
