Sunday, January 31, 2021

Peaceful Sunday

      Hello everyone,

        I hope you are enjoying a relaxing

         I am sharing some photos that bring
     back good memories for me and I
hope you will enjoy them too.

Obviously, these photos are not new
this year as we are months away from
lilac season here.

This was taken at the cottage last

This is the bunkie at the cottage.

It has soothing blue and white colore
and is a favorite spot for our grandchildren
to hang out in summer.

Tea and lilacs.

Tea and garden roses on the porch.

The chaise in our bedroom both
above and below. It is a great
spot for a relaxing tea.

Our little Gardener's Cottage
all in white.

It is hard to believe we are
saying goodbye to January already.

Thank you for popping by today
and I hope you are having a
relaxing,peaceful day!

Take care,




  1. Such beauty! Brings a sense of calm and serenity. Thank you, Carolyn. I think we all need a little bit of that right now.

    I love that chaise - talk about a perfect spot to relax. You all have done such an amazing job with all of your property. What a glorious homestead!!!!

  2. So much beauty! It's astonishing. I've never yet succeeded in making even one corner of my home half as beautiful as anything in your photos. You are truly blessed with a special gift.

  3. Hi Carolyn,
    Thanks for the memories. I love your cottage by the sea. And the Gardener's Cottage has always been my favorite. You have inspired me to plant lilac bushes in my yard.

  4. Beautiful pictures!
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. Thank you for sharing your beautiful sweet and peaceful spaces. I LOVE the all blue and white and touches of gray.. it truly is very very calming. I yearn to be by the sea this time of year and I love watching the storms come in (as long as I'm cozy and warm inside!). Have a wonderful week! Marilyn

  6. I just love lilacs and can look at them anytime of year! Perhaps because they are relatively short lived, we admire them all the more! Thank you for your beautiful helps one dream of promising times!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
