Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Winter White Sunroom Tea

                                                            Hello everyone,
                                                  I hope you will enjoy a winter
                                                  white tea in the sun room today.

                                                  We had a slight dusting of snow
                                                   on the ground when I woke up this
                                                   morning but alas it didn't last long.

                                                   However, it was enough to put me
                                                    in the mood for a winter white tea.

                                                             A cosy corner in the
                                                             our little sun room.

I have my tray all set up
for tea.

I made a couple of batches
of sugar cookies lately but
they didn't last long.

This is a small teapot but it holds
enough for two.

The tea today is orange

Some mercury glass

You know how I love 
making collages.

My amaryllis is blooming
early this year and I love
the little white houses.



We have had a few new cases of covid 19
on the Island so we  have sticker rules in
place for the next two weeks limiting
family gatherings etc so I am hoping
that we can get it under control again
before Christmas......today there were
no new cases so I am hopeful!

How are things with you? How is
Christmas shaping up?

Take good care and thanks for stopping by
I am happy you can still visit me here
and you don't even have to wear at mask!



  1. Grazie Carolyn per queste bellissime fotografie. Ci fanno sognare. Buona serata 🌹🎄

  2. Hi Carolyn,
    Fabulous, I love your Winter White Christmas Tea. I love your Country Christmas book. I have it displayed with my Christmas decorations in the dining room. The cottage covered with snow is the most calming photograph. You are truly an artist with a camera and with your styling talent, you make the most beautiful blog post. I hope you and your family can gather for Christmas dinner also.

  3. All is TEAlightful, Carolyn! The tea sounds delicious.
    Please say, "Hello" to Heather for me!
    Stay safe.

    Wishing you a beauTEAful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  4. Beautifully cozy! We had a dusting in NY as well this morning.. Love the mask comment too.. Enjoy this lovely winter day.. as Always I SO look forward to seeing your posts!Blessings


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
