Saturday, December 12, 2020

A Winter Day by our Pond

                Hello everyone,

            I am back with a walk around our pond.

             Yesterday, I took a walk around our pond
                early in the morning as it was a lovely calm
      morning with just a dusting of snow.

I love when there is a nice reflection
in the pond.

Our little Boathouse

A walk through the pathway
by the pond. The trees have
really grown.

I hope you enjoyed a stroll
around the pond with me

Thanks for visiting!



  1. Just fine with a little snow. Here is only grey and rainy and very dark, so I am waiting or snow.
    Greetings from Britt in Sweden

  2. Beautiful photos. I'm amazed how trees grow so fast where I live in Gaspe.
    I've planted a lot of my property and in 20 yrs, they are huge.
    The reflections in your pond are so lovely.
    Merry Christmas.

  3. Your property is beautiful! Especially when it's frosted! :-)

  4. Such a beautiful property... Merry Christmas to you and your family Carolyn.

  5. Draga Carolyn,
    Mi-a placut enorm de mult sa ma plimb cu tine. Oricat de scurta ar fi plimbarea este magic sa faci parte din natura, chiar si o clipa.
    Tu ai raiul la picioare!!!
    Cele mai calde salutari,

  6. This took my breath away, Carolyn! My eyes actually filled up!
    This is your happy place. It's perfect, so tranquil. PEACE.

    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  7. Such a lovely, tranquil place. I feel like a walk around your pond would bring renewal and peace .


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
