Saturday, March 28, 2020

Flower Power

    Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well in these
uncertain times.

I gathered up some romantic
little bouquets for you.......
hoping it brings a little cheer
your way.

These are bouquets from our
garden over the past years.

Peonies are one of my very
favorite bouquets.

I love how a simple sprig
makes a charming bouquet.

Hydrangeas and pretty china always
make me happy.

Tulips and carnations

Looking forward to days on the porch
again soon, I hope.

                                           I have gathered more bouquets for
                                                    a theme so more bouquets coming soon.

                                                    We have a big pot of soup simmering on
                                                     the stove so I better go make some
                                                     scones to go with the soup.

                                                                       Take good care and stay well !




  1. Good morning Carolyn! Beautiful pictures!!! Thank you so much for sharing. I love peonies, too, and have many old varieties in my garden. Two more months and the peonies will be budding and the lilacs will be blooming!! Take care and stay safe. Laura

  2. Dearest Carolyn,
    Lovely photos and also good to see that you have the same Royal Albert Princess Anne (Brushed Gold Edges) as we have:

  3. Hello Carolyn,
    thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures. I love peonies and roses and have several of them in my garden. Today I saw, our lilas will be blooming in the next 14 days.
    Have a nice weekend and take care

  4. Soup and scones sounds good! The bouquets are lovely. Thank you for the cheer.

  5. Thank you for sharing so much beauty in these uncertain times! I love all your pretty china as well and often take your inspiration to create table top displays with my china pieces! Take care and look forward to your next beautiful blog!

  6. Gorgeous pictures, as always, Carolyn. I know I have said this before, but I so love your blog. The pictures are so beautiful, and it's always a joy to read. Can you tell me what the two roses are in the foreground of your first picture? I especially love the peachier/pink one. Thanks so much.

  7. As a young woman I didn't get the joy and pleasure of flowers that changed as I aged, now I love them

  8. Carolyn

    Thank you for cheering us up during this difficult time. Soup and a scone sounds delicious. Enjoy and stay well.

  9. Beautiful and just what I needed to lift my spirits. Thank you, Sharon

  10. So beautiful.. and pink and peach.. my faves! I love peonies but have tried to grow them and have no luck. They get super tall but never bloom! They may not be getting enough sun. Love your bouquets and china. So pretty!

  11. Hi Lisa,
    Thank you for your kind words.....I am happy to hear you enjoy!
    The roses in the foreground are Eden roses but sadly I lost that rose bush to a cold winter here a few years ago. I must look for another one this year.I still miss Pickering Roses as I used to send for several from them every year.

    Thanks everyone for your lovely comments.
    Have a good day,

  12. Pink, pink, and more pink! There can never be too much pink! Happy Spring to you, Carolyn! Thank you for sharing such lovely images.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
