Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Back in the Kitchen

Hello everyone,

We are enjoying a little promise of
spring here the past few days but
I am sure we will some winter
days left too.

On our trip over to Halifax a couple
of weeks ago I bought a new tray
and the faux bouquet at Ikea.

A faux bouquet works good on this
table because the heat pump near by
is too hard on a real bouquet and I
have to say it looks pretty real to me.


This is the time of year that I
start taking some of my windowbox
geraniums up from the basement
to get them growing healthy new
leaves and some early blooms.
I think they have an old fashioned
appeal on a sunny windowsill.

It's teatime using my red
and white transferware again.

Thank you to all who wrote about Eventide Cottage
we were surprised by the early interest and I
hope to meet some of you this summer/fall.

Thank you for popping by today.



  1. Carolyn, your geraniums are so healthy looking! I don't have a basement so I keep mine on my kitchen windowsill, but they are so scraggly, the poor things! I think all your red and white is so pretty, a lovely pop of color before Spring! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love your blog and have enjoyed visiting your garden vicariously for many years.I have a question...how do you over winter your geraniums in your basement. Thank you for sharing all the beauty.

  3. I take my geraniums out of the windowboxes and planters and throw them in a big tub or box and water them lightly a few times over the winter. Our basement is very cool so they seem to do well. Then about this time of year I start taking them up and cut them back to a few inches usually and water and a week or so later I start giving them some fertilizer. I always lose a few but most do very well with this method. We do have some light down there but not a lot.
    Thia reminds me time to go down and bring up a few more......makes me happy to see them bloom again.
    Thanks for visiting!

  4. I love the red and white kitchen/dining room! So pretty and bright and cherry.. and the "faux" flowers do look so real! It makes me want to paint everything white in my house.. love white or cream furniture with the pops of red... and I love pink too.. so pink with red would be wonderful. You inspire me to get out the paint brushes! My mom used to put her geraniums in her upstairs bedroom closets for the winter. They were nice and dark and cooler, and then in spring she would (like you) bring them out, cut them down and put them back on the windowsills. They always did well.. she would even put some outside on the deck and they would flourish over the summer! xoxo Marilyn


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
