Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Magic of Winter

            Hello everyone,

We have been enjoying pretty winter
days here so I snapped a few photos
to enjoy in summer when I am longing
for snow ha!ha!
I am a summer person but I do enjoy
the beauty of winter too.

first I took a few shots around
our home and garden.

Gently falling snowflakes

           We enjoyed a  winter drive in the country .

       A winter walk at Greenwich National Park is
a lovely way to spend a morning.

Hope you are enjoying your week!



  1. I LOVE pretty snow.. thank-you so much for sharing.. So lovely

  2. So gorgeous!! I am a winter person so I love your photos. 😊 Kit

  3. Beautiful. I enjoy the peace of winter.. thank you for sharing your photos.

  4. I'm a spring kind of girl that likes summer too. But winter is pretty. I so love the 4 seasons but my bones and arthritis have a hard time with the cold. Your winter scenes are gorgeous... just what I need! We haven't gotten snow here yet.

    Our home has a gambrel roof also. I've come to truly love and appreciate it over the years.

    Have a delightful weekend~

  5. Just beautiful! I love snow on wood fences.. just something so "country" about it. I love looking at snow, but am NOT a cold weather person and don't like being outside in the cold.... I like to enjoy it from inside a warm cozy house! Marilyn

  6. It is so beautiful there in the pictures! Thanks for sharing the snow and your gorgeous place.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
