Thursday, December 19, 2019

Winter White in the Boathouse

                           Hello everyone,

Today I am sharing some pics of our
little boathouse all decked out in
winter white.

                                                 The nook looks snug and cozy
                                                with a furry white throw and pillows.
                                                There is a nice coat of fresh white
                                                 snow outdoors.


I have shared most of these
photos a few years ago but
I am sure most of you have
not seen them.

Tea in bed anyone?

Candles always add a touch of

A winter white tea

The conservatory at the back is
small but filled with light.

I love the rusty old chandelier
in the conservatory. I put
candles on it for more light.

More candles

                                                   The Boathouse was built by my
                                                    husband and son by our pond.

                                                        A good coat of snow makes
                                                        it look so pretty in winter.

                                                           The old door came from a church
                                                            and I gave it a coat of paint.
                                                             Hope you enjoyed a fresh look
                                                             at the Boathouse all decked out
                                                             in winter white..

                                                              I am looking forward to tea at my
                                                              friends house today.

                                                                       Hope you have a wonderful day!



  1. Simply beautiful. I did not know that this was a new build. The boathouse looks as if it has been there for a long time.


  2. Beautiful....magical....awesome.......takes my breath away, Carolyn!

  3. Just beautiful and very inspiring! Merry Christmas Carolyn!

  4. Il tuo blog è magia e meraviglia!!!!!! tanti auguri per le prossime feste e un abbraccio lory

  5. Carolyn, I love this post. Magical. Also, when my daughter and I showed up unexpectedly at your lovely place on PEI, and you so graciously gave us a tour of your beautiful gardens, my daughter took a picture of the boathouse cottage. She had that made into a puzzle for me for Christmas! Brings back such wonderful memories. Merry Christmas! And wishes for a joyful, healthy New Year! Jody

  6. Your boathouse is very warm and cozy.

    All the best from Britt in Sweden


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
