Friday, December 6, 2019

Christmas Touches in our Library

    Hello everyone,

The sun was shining brightly in
the library when I took these shots
of our library. I am not done decoratin
yet but even a few lights etc. give it
a cozy glow.

It seems I got started early on my
Christmas decorating and then
was content with it so 
i stopped for a bit 
but one of our big
trees is going up today.

Always, nice to enjoy my tea in
the library.

Red and white transferware is
one of my favorites so I
have collected quite a few
piecs over the years.

This was the library a couple
of years ago all the 
lights at night or even on a
dark day to cheer things up.

Hopefully, I will be back soon
with the rest of the story!

Take care,


  1. It's wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing, Carolyn.

  2. Dearest Carolyn,
    No doubt your library makes a very cosy room to be for tea and for leafing through a book or magazine.
    Looks nice in these photos.
    Happy Sunday,

  3. I am pretty much finished with my decorating. Now on to the baking! I LOVE, love your red transferware tea tray! Nothing looks more Christmasy than the red at this lovely time of year. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas, Carolyn!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
