Tuesday, August 13, 2019

August Blues

      Hello everyone,

      Can you believe August is almost half over?
I am hoping that since summer was slow
    coming this year that it will be slow to leave
   us as well. Although I enjoy all the seasons
summer is my favorite .
  Anyway ,sorry I haven't posted much lately
but I have a few August blues to share today.
The above shot was taken at our Ocean Song
Cottage a few weeks ago. I love the hedge of
hardy roses in the background.

It is tea time and I am arranging a
bouquet for our tea.

You can't go wrong with blue and white it
always look so fresh and pretty.

Love relaxing here at Ocean Song Cottage
with the beautiful blue August sky.

I hope you are enjoying your summer and thanks
for stopping by to visit me.

Take care,


  1. I find your blog a very peaceful place to visit. I am trying to imagine how wonderful it would be to share a cup of tea beside a summer ocean. Don't we all need more moments of personal teatime. I love the blue colors you have shared with us through your lovely photographs.
    God bless you, Dolores

  2. Oh the summer blues are so peaceful and calming. Your cottage must just be a dream to visit.. and I can (try to) imagine sitting in one of those chairs by the water, whiling the day away with either silence, or sweet chatter with a friend... a cup of tea too of course! Hopefully we will have a lot of "lazy hazy days" left of summer and Fall. Hugs.. Marilyn

  3. I love your dress....and the view of the ocean with Adirondacks.

  4. I have read your blog for years and always enjoy the beautiful photos of your home and gardens.

    I'm always curious about whether or not you have a problem with mosquitos when you have your outdoor teas. We are Canadians transplanted to the Southern U.S., but in both places it always has been the biggest issue I'd had for enjoying the outdoors. Any tips, besides bug spray of course.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
