Thursday, July 25, 2019

Soft Aqua and Pink

Hello everyone,

It is another beautiful sunny summer day here on the Island  and I am looking
forward to relaxing  by the sea with my sister this morning.

So, just a few soft and pretty photos this morning from
Eventide Cottage. 

Peony season is just past here now  but the hydrangeas are just
starting to bloom which is a t least a week later than usual.

I hope you are enjoying some beautiful
relaxing summer days too!

Thanks for visiting,



  1. I love the aqua theme, so pretty.

  2. Just made me smile, I am never disappointed, your lovely taste and pretty photos so Pinterest worthy! Hugs, Roxy

  3. Oh such joy... these colors are so soft and calming and I can almost hear the ocean!

  4. How I wish the Peonies were still in bloom! The summer was so fleeting since it rained almost all of June. Here we are in September! How did that happen!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
