Sunday, June 16, 2019

Peaceful Sunday

          Hello everyone,

        I hope you  are enjoying a peaceful day.
  I am sharing a few photos that I hope
you will enjoy.

The photo above was taken in our
Gardener's Cottage..... a good
place to enjoy some peace and
relaxation when the gardener
gets tired and needs a rest.

A similar shot of our Gardener's Cottage
is featured on Victoria's Cottage Style
magazine that is out now!

The ' Magicans White' Deutiza in full
bloom a few years ago in Martha's Garden.
It is almost ready to bloom again this

     A beautiful bouquet of roses

A vintage tea

A comfy corner in our kitchen
for tea.
      Beautiful bridal bouquets
   from a photo shoot a few
years ago.
Hope you enjoy some
peace and beauty in your
day today and always!



  1. I picked up the magazine, Victoria's Cottage Style. Recognized it as being your beautiful garden immediately. I thought the article was excellent.

    Carolyn/N FL

  2. Thank you so was good to hear from you!

  3. I love the vintage dress! Hand crocheted I'm sure. I own my grandmother's wedding gown and a few camisoles of my husband's mother or grandmother with hand crocheted lace. Thanks for sharing the photos!

  4. This is so absolutely gorgeous! and peaceful...

    I want to be like you when I grow up!

  5. Beautiful photos! Your home and property are gorgeous! :-)

  6. Hi Carolyn, It was so good to hear from you too. Here in N FL our heat and humidity has set in and I usually don't do much gardening when that happens. Only what I can get in during the early morning and late afternoon hours. Last night was just magical though with the full moon, a little less humidity and I have a night blooming jasmine that is planted close to our patio that is beginning to bloom, a lovely evening to sit outside for a while. I always enjoy visiting your blog.

    Carolyn/N FL

  7. I would LOVE my bedroom to look like your Gardener's Cottage! I'm saving it to Pinterest so I can go look now and then and just dream! The white/cream roses are just so so beautiful. I would love to grow some. I know I gush every time I comment, but just love your posts and photos, and beautiful home, cottage and gardens! Have a happy week! Marilyn

  8. So beautiful. I think they should have shared every single picture here. It's gorgeous!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
