Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Late May in our Garden

          Well spring has finally arrived
            here and so the garden is filling
       in more and more each day.
             The weather has finally warmed
              up and there is lots of gardening
going on.

                                                         I thought I would share a few collages
                                                         of some of the spring colors in our garden
                                                         We have lots of different varieties
                                                          od daffodils in the garden.
                                                            The hillside garden is ablaze with
                                        Loving all the bright and cheerful colors
       after a long winter.

            Our small enclosed garden is my
      favorite place to be this time
of the year.
                      One of our daughters has been helping
                        me in the garden and when I offered her
                      some new plants she jokingly said she
                                 was going home to rip out some of her plants
                            in case it spread to the size of ours ha! ha!
                                        She seems to think there is back breaking work to
                                   the spring garden! I noticed she happily took
                                 some new plant divisions home today though
                so I think she sees the beauty too!

                             Thanks for visiting,


  1. So much gorgeous color and I know you are delighted with these arrivals!

  2. Good May Morning, Dear Carolyn!
    What a gloriously happy way to start the day! XO
    Wishing you a beautiful day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  3. Oh so pretty to see all those daffodils! I LOVE the peach ones.. don't think I've ever seen peach colored daffodils. I must find me some! I don't have any in my yard, and one of my goals is this Fall to plant a lot of them here and there! I agree with your daughter.. the huge gardens you have must be back breaking work! But the results are beyond stunning. Hugs.. Marilyn

  4. such beauty ...thanks for sharing ...It is back breaking work ..down here in Alabama we are trying to beat the heat though it has been 95ºf for more than 2 weeks with no break in the forecast ..so getting the garden spruced up for Summer is a hard time, pressure washig and painting but once finished the joy of a beautiful garden can't be described ..happy days to you


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
