Saturday, May 11, 2019

Happy Mother's Day!

                                       Happy Mother's Day!

                                         I hope you are enjoying your
                                        weekend and a happy Mother's
                   Day to all Mom's.

                                                  I hope you all enjoy an afternoon tea

                              and a beautiful bouquet of flowers

Beautiful pink peonies and vintage
 china area few of my favorite things.


We are enjoying some sunshine at the cottage
this evening after a rainy day.
I had a little visit to a
couple of garden centres
this afternoon.....always
fun to pick up a few new
things for the garden.

Thank you for visiting,



  1. Happy Mother's Day to you & your girls, Carolyn, from both of us.
    I can't wait to see your lovely new cottage one day...
    Wishing you a beautiful & restful day surrounded by love!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  2. Happy Mother's Day Carolyn!!! Thank you so much for your blog. I am looking forward to more pictures from your garden. My husband and I may be coming to PEI in June and we hope to seek you out!! Kind regards, Laura

  3. And Happy Mother's Day to YOU too! looks like you're having a lovely weekend at the beach! We are enjoying summer weather here in Oregon for a nice change. I love your photos! Marilyn

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you Carolyn! Lovely flowers and I just adore the Maritime Rose china! Hope to see more of your little cottage soon! Sandi

  5. Lovely sentiments and photos shared!!! Hope you open your gardens again in June for a few hours!!:)

  6. Beautiful sentiments and photos!! Hope you are planning to share your gardens with the public again for a few hours this summer. I have only been there once in 2017 and loved every moment!! Enjoy cottage life!!:)

  7. Hello Carolyn. Love all your blooms. Hope your Mother's Day was perfect. You must be gearing up for the big summer-garden season. Thinking of you. Susan

  8. Thanks everyone for visiting and leaving a lovely note.
    Yes, Michelle we will have an 'open garden' again this year around the middle of July.
    I will post it on my blog beforehand.

    Have a good weekend,


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
