Monday, May 6, 2019

Cottage Style by Victoria and I !!!!

                      Hello everyone,

                        I hope you all had a great weekend.

                             As many of you know I have been a fan
                         of the Victoria magazine since it first
                                   came out over 30 years ago and have stacks
                          of issues that I can't seem to part with
                       and enjoy going through all the old
                             issues from time to time. So, I have to
                           confess it has been a long time dream
                              to have our garden featured in Victoria.
                               So, a couple of years ago I was delighted
                                 when that dream came true in the May/
June issue 2017.

                         However, I was even more delighted
                      when I received a copy of Victoria's
            Cottage Style to see our little
                             Gardener's Cottage featured on the cover
                                   and our garden on the back cover along with
                               several pages inside. Thank you, Victoria!


Victoria Classics
Cottage Style is
out on the shelves
now so you can
check it out.

Enjoy it over a cup of tea!

   And speaking of cottages we enjoyed
some time at our little seaside cottage
this weekend.
Our daffodils are blooming now so
I enjoyed my first bouquet of the

It was a foggy morning at the cottage
so all you can see is fog in this shot
out the window but inside my tea set
is ready for tea time!

Thank you for visiting and I hope
you have a great week.



  1. Victoria is the only magazine that I buy as a subscription. I’ve always loved it since I found it as a newlywed 31 years ago. I’ve seen you featured and love your garden and little cottages. Congratulations on the new feature!

  2. Congratulations, Carolyn🌷 Your garden and cottage are very deserving.

  3. The teacups are lovely and your view from the beach cottage is gorgeous⛵

  4. I have all the Victoria's as well, and have loved your blog and photography. It is always loved when I share your work on my Facebook page, and so glad to see you featured by Victoria again. Well deserved!

  5. Carolyn:
    I am so happy for you - again - dreams do come true!!

  6. Congrats on the spread in Cottage Style magazine! I always loved Victoria magazine and also love Cottage Style also. I have a few of those saved as I too love to go back and browse again and again. And of course, your darling seaside cottage just makes me swoon! That view out the window to the ocean is just so breathtaking. How I miss the ocean when I don't get to visit our Oregon coast a few times a year. I'm hoping to get there in June so I can smell the misty air and listen to the waves crashing onto the sandy shores. As always.. love your beautiful photos! xoxox Marilyn

  7. I was so excited to see your amazing garden in Victoria!!!! My favorite magazine, and my favorite blog!!! Yay for a Canadian garden!!! You are such an inspiration!!!

  8. Thank you for all your kind words and support.

    Hope you have a great day!


  9. Wonderful that you beautiful gardens are featured again in such a lovely magazine -- congratulations! Thanks so much for sharing your homey and beautiful scenes with us. Best, Beth

  10. I, too, save all of my Victoria magazines and look through them again and again. Your feature was one of my favorites ever published in the magazine! I was so glad to see more in Cottage Style. Congratulations! Barbara from SoCal

  11. I love Victoria magazine and have kept my copies since the late 1980's. I never get tired of looking through them for enjoyment and inspiration, too.

    How exciting to be in the current issue. I'll look for it on the news stand - hope I haven't missed it.

    Thank you for all the beauty you share with us here on your blog. I love it.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
