Friday, March 29, 2019

In the Pink

                     Hello everyone,

             Another week has flown by and 
 I am looking forward to the mild
   temperatures that the weatherman
   is promising. I found some spring
 bulbs poking through the ground
 this morning and a pair of Canada
  Geese were checking out the pond

So here today, we are in the pink!

A beautiful bouquet of pink peonies
in the Boathouse.

                                                      Beautiful pink roses in our

The roses above is Constance Spry
                                                                Lambert Close put on a good
                                                                 show in the garden last year.
                                                                 It is a good hardy rose.

                                   Peonies always bring me joy, whether in the
garden or in bouquets.

                Bouquets of pink English Roses with
                     one of my favorite teapots on the porch.
                                Pink linens and big bouquets of
                              peonies in our garden terrace.

                            A pretty pink porch in Beaufort,
                                South Carolina on a spring holiday
   a few years ago.

                      A pretty pink house in Charleston.

                      A tree peony in our garden.

                  A southern garden with
  pink azaleas.

                              A pink picnic basket with
                               a beautiful bouquet of pink
                            hydrangeas and a delicate
                              pink teacup for tea lovers.

            I am looking forward to being
                able to pick bouquets of flowers
from our garden again.

                     The weeping crabapple tree
 in full bloom.
                     I hope you are' in the pink'
too .
                                   Next time I have some' garden blues'
                                  for you to enjoy that are making me
                              long for the return of our garden.

                                       Hope you have a joyful weekend!



  1. So neautiful...and so much to look forward to. We are still waiting on warmer temps as well.

  2. Your pinks are so pretty. I love the roses. We still have snow covering everything here. Rain in the forecast for the weekend. Hopefully it will wash some snow away. Happy Spring.

  3. Love pink, of course, always! Lol
    Please share more pics of the crabapple trees in bloom, Carolyn!
    Wishing you a beautiful day, my friend!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  4. Pretty in Pink is an understatement! Spring is starting here in the Piedmont area of North Carolina. Peonies and hostas are pushing up so my excitement is building. I love that you post the names of your plants and china patterns ... just in case I might have to add them to my collections.

  5. Dear Carolyn,
    Pink is such a beautiful color. Passion for pink keeps growing. Your pics are lovely!
    Always a treat to visit your place in blogland,

  6. Ciao Carolyn passare da te, è sempre una gioia per gli occhi e il cuore ! Lory


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
