Tuesday, January 15, 2019

For the Love of Transferware

                   As many of you know I love
            transferware dishes in all
        colors so I thought you
       might like to see a few
     vignettes some of my

Friendly Village

                           I do have some green/teal and white transferware
    but it is harder to find around here.

Blue and white transferware is one
of my biggest collections.

Teal green on display
I love this teacup but I
have never seen any
other pieces of it around

Red and white transferware is probably
my largest collection. I gather them
over time and often one piece at
a time.

The above teapot is made in Japan
and is very old.

                                                                      Blue and white always
                                                                      looks so fresh.

And it would be hard not to love
this soft brown and white teapot.
I have a couple of cupboards with
brown and white transferware but
you would be here all day if I
shared all of my collections!
I have a small collection of
black and white transferware.

I love this soft mauve and white teacup
with the old teapot.

          Do you  collect transferware too? It 
seems hard for me to pass on it
when I see it at thrift  shops.

             Hope you are enjoying these January

Thank you for visiting!



  1. Yours is the largest collection of transferware I've ever seen, and it's in every color. You have the perfect home for displaying it too. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. What a wonderful collection! I love it all!

  3. Such beautiful collections!! Gorgeous...

  4. SWOONnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!! You have the most amazing transferware collection, I wish I had half of yours, but now I also decorated one of the buffets ate home with three colors I have. Beautiful displays too.
    I'm going to pin this post so I can see the pieces and colors.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. You have an incredible collection of transferware! I love the blue, but think I've never seen the black and white transferware, ever! I have a few pieces of blue transferware that I love. Enjoyed seeing the beautiful pieces you have collected over the years! :)

  6. Oh my-I am in love with that purple one--
    great collections-

  7. What a beautiful collection. I love transferware in any colour. Whenever I see a piece, I buy it
    I have blue and white, but no teapot. Some red and white but not the teapot. I have a mauve teapot and some brown and white. I've never seen black and white nor teal and white. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Nearly all of my collection is Johnson Brothers Heritage Hall (was my Grandmother's set), but I do have a couple of teal pieces.

  9. I agree with all the other ladies - you have wonderful transferware indeed! Happy New Year!

  10. Thank you for sharing your beautiful collections. I have blue and white and red and white collections. I adore the vignettes you photograph. Bless you, for your artistic talent.

  11. Hi Carolyn,
    Your transferware collection is so beautiful, so many gorgeous colors! Do you think you could do a post on where you store all your dishes? I find I just don't have the room to collect anymore. I just swoon when I see all this gorgeousness! Have a wonderful day!


  12. I always love seeing what others collect! Thank you for sharing yours. We don't see much transferware here on Cape Cod either, and I've never seen some of the colors you have, so you are a small museum! Sandi

  13. Now that my kids are 17, I have rediscovered my love for collecting antique china, especially transfer ware. I am on a collecting spree! Your transfer ware is mind boggling, and you do such an artful job of displaying it. I particularly love the brown teapot (it's hard to find teapots around here). Also, the addition of the little metal sheep is charming. Visiting your gardens and china collections would be a dream!! Thanks for sharing. Barbara in Southern California


  14. Fabulous all of it is Fabulous,
    I collect also and have the red, blue , brown, and lavender so far I have odd pieces of the green/teal which I am liking now

    It's so fun to run upon a surprise at a shop that I just have to have.
    I want a teapot with the handle on top like your brown transferware teapot

  15. I loved your collection of transfer ware I have also been collecting for years. I wish I knew how to share my photos with you of my collections.


  16. When my sister in law saw some lavendar she fell in love. I have bought her some pieces, but lavendar is really difficult. I adore transferware and have a few pieces. As usual your pictures just mesmerize me!

  17. I have a large collection of transferware, but I have NO talent to display it. Your displays are gorgeous!! Thank you SO much for sharing them with us!
    My largest collection is red and white, but I have many pieces of blue, black, brown and white. I tend to put it out seasonally. Right now, black and white looks good in my cabinet with old silver and a few pinecones. I use the red and white regularly, so there is always a piece or two out to enjoy!
    Blessings to you,

  18. Why is the teal so hard to find ?


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
