Wednesday, November 21, 2018

A Little Bit of White

Hello everyone,

It looks like Christmas here already
both indoors and out as I have
been focused on decorating for
Christmas so we can relax and
enjoy it all.
My granddaughter painted the
wooden house on the left for
me as it was gold and brown

The one in the middle came from
a new shop at the North River causeway 
called Cottage Living.
The little one on the left was from
You can see the white stuff out
the window!

                                                    Yesterday, I decorated our library
                                                                so whenever we get a brighter day
                                                                I will take some photos of it.

                                                                             Thanks for visiting!



  1. Beautiful! And the snow outside is pretty too! Have a delightful Thanksgiving~

  2. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hope you are spending it with family and/or friends. It's the kind of day to be with our loved ones. Your white scene is so pretty, in the house and outside! We are finally getting rain here in central Oregon for the first time in MONTHS!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
