Friday, October 5, 2018

Afternoon Tea at Prince Edward Island Preserve Company

                                                                            Hello everyone,

                                                               In late summer my friend Heather
                                                               and I went for afternoon tea at
                                                               Prince Edward Island Preserve
                                                               Company. It was their first week
                                                               for afternoon tea...something new
                                                               they were trying out this year.
                                                               This beautiful room is the perfect
                                                               setting for tea with it's beautiful
                                                               stained glass and crisp white linens.
                                                               There is also a beautiful view of the
                                                                gardens and the River Clyde.

Shortly after we were seated they came
with our delicious treats on a tiered
platter and of course the tea of our

We had a lovely afternoon there and
enjoyed being pampered.
My friend Heather above.

Fortunately there was 2 of everything
so we didn't have to fight!

                                                                    Heather is patiently waiting for me
                                                                    to put my camera down so we can
                                                                   enjoy all those goodies.

Standing in the Gap, Porcupines, and Dr. Seuss

                                            This is a much better photo of our tea taken
                                             by a photographer for Bruce's Blog .Pop over
                                             and visit~ I know you will enjoy it!

                                              We took our time and enjoyed visiting
                                                          over the last of our tea.
                                                         If hope you get the opportunity to go
                                                         next summer and enjoy this special
                                                         afternoon tea.

                                                                  This is Thanksgiving weekend
                                                         here in Canada and we are having
                                                         our family for our traditional turkey
                                                we have a couple of tours from
                                                         Japan on Saturday so I probably won't
                                                         be back for a few days.

                                                                        Happy Thanksgiving to
                                                                         my Canadian friends!



  1. Happy Thanksgiving! The tea looks absolutely scrumptious! And the tea room is adorable. I hope it all works out for them.

  2. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and loved seeing this delightful Afternoon Tea!

  3. Carolyn, This was a lovely post seeing the TEA setting. So nice. The food looks delicious.
    Such a lovely setting to be pampered.
    You lucky duck! I would really enjoy a TEA like this.
    May you have a delightful THANKSGIVING and all the best.
    d on the prairie

  4. Such a beautiful place to sit and sip tea.

  5. We love Prince Edward Island Preserve Company for anytime during the day ! What a lovely tea ! We could not come this year so I will have to order my tea and treats from their catalog !! ❤️


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
