Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Blue and White Coastal Tea

Hello everyone,

I am going to guess you didn't expect me
to be back so soon as I have been negligent
for awhile now about posting.
I am using an iphone for these photos and
have found it so much easier to post with it.
Not sure if the quality is as good  but it seems
ok to me.

I was planning to have friends for tea this
afternoon but it was a wild and wet day here
so I postponed to next week.
Yesterday I set the table for it and yes
I am still somewhat summery here but
maybe by next week I will be in a
fall mood.
Since shades of blue and white are
my theme here at the cottage it was
easy to go with that theme for tea time.
Some antique china

                                                      I love the enamalware tea set that I got
                                                      at the 70 mile coastal yardsale last year.

The tablecloth and napkins are by
Tommy Hilfiger.

The scene out the window was much more
peaceful yesterday then today as we had
big waves with whitecaps.

                                                            Well, I hope you enjoyed my tea that
                                                             never was!
                                                             Hopefully, we have better luck getting
                                                              together next week but we  really did need
                                                              the rain here as it was a very dry summer.

                                                               Back home in the garden we had a very heavy frost
                                                              a couple of nights ago so the season will soon be
                                                              coming to an end.

                                                                                     Thank you for visiting!



  1. It is so pretty! The perfect setting for a lovely get together. We are figuring our first frost will hit this weekend. :) Kit

  2. What a lovely and relaxing spot you have there at that window! I imagine a perfect place for your family gatherings!

  3. Such a pretty table! And what a wonderful place. The views out the window are fabulous! I'm amazed you posted from your phone. Great job!

  4. Love the extra post, as all your views are beautiful and inspiring! If iPhone pics give us more, they are perfectly lovely and I say win-win! Thank you for sharing your view of the world.

  5. Carolyn, how beautiful! Your blue and white is perfect for PEI, a place I *must* visit one day!

  6. Such a lovely place, Carolyn! PEI is in my bucket list of places that I would love to visit. xoxo


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
