Saturday, June 17, 2017

A Garden Tour

Happy weekend!

      I hope you are enjoying a beautiful

            I just came in from working in the garden
                   and even though it is lightly raining, I enjoyed
                   doing all the little chores that need to be done.
                    It is somehow very satisfying to me as I know
                 the tying up clematis, pruning and weeding
                will make a big difference to the beauty of
     the garden.

                                                            Above, you can see my earliest peonies from
                                                            my Dad's garden are in bloom now along with
                                                            the lupins. Lupins grow wild here on Prince
                                                             Edward Island and our ditches are full of them
                                                             but I still love to have some in the garden

They are very showy!

Alliums are blooming all around the 
garden as well as they self seed. I love
that they bloom in that little lull between
the spring bulbs and the early summer
perennials .

Our weeping flowering crab is past now
but last week it was beautiful.

The French Lilacs are still blooming
but some are already getting past.
Our Canadian Preston Lilacs are
getting ready to put on their show
    though along with the Korean Lilacs.

Love the Sensation Lilac.

We have lots of hostas spread around
the garden and they are looking lush
and full.

I love watching the birds going to and fro feeding
their young......this one has her nest in the yew tree
just outside our kitchen window so I can
watch them grow from the window.

We have about 140 peonies  spread out
around our garden in all the different
beds and most of them will be in full
bloom in a couple of weeks.

The tree peony is blooming now. I love
it's big papery blooms.

This was taken a week ago so you can see the
layout of the south beds. The Yellow Bird Magnolia
is blooming on the right at the back.

If it wasn't for the rain I would be out there
taking more photos as the garden has changed a lot
since these were taken.
There is some hot humid sunny weather coming
tomorrow so that will make the garden jump ahead
I have some early roses popping out now as well.

We decided to have a Open Garden on July 4th in 
the evening between 6 and 8 p.m. so if you
live close and would like to visit come along
and bring a friend!
I will mention it again as a reminder
though and the tour goes rain or shine.

We have already had hundreds of Japanese
visitors this spring ~ they come through
Prince Edward tours by bus. It is my
little business that supports my garden
   addiction and I enjoy their

Thank you for visiting,



  1. How beautiful! Since lupine grow wild where you live it makes me wonder if it was home to Miss Rumphius That is my all time favorite children's story. Her grandfather told her to make the world more beautiful and her way of doing that was walking all over and throwing lupine seeds. Have you read it?

  2. I wish you a very successful season! Looks amazingly lovely!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for this wonderful virtual tour in your charming garden!Just beautiful!

  5. So beautiful! That tree peony is gorgeous!

    Its lovely of you to open your garden to tours and the public. If I lived nearby I'd surely come!

  6. Breathtaking! I hope to be lucky enough to visit your garden one day. Until then, I will enjoy your gorgeous blog. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Your garden is absolutely wonderful. Here in Denmark my roses are not yet in bloom, but very soon.
    I wish I lived near you, so I could visit you when you have open garden tour

    I wish you a wonderful day

  8. Good Morning, Carolyn!
    Love seeing the progress in your garden. Our gardens here in Newfoundland are so behind this year because of the cool weather. My tulips only bloomed a couple of weeks ago and are still hanging on. The Canada Day tulips are about to bloom in the next couple of days.This past week it has started to finally warm up but even a few night ago we had a frost warning.
    I love the flowering crab tree. We planted one yesterday at Rose Manor Inn during #PinkTreeTea and a Weeping Higan Cherry at the Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Care Centre's Garden of Hope as part of #PinkDaysInBloom #ThePinkTreeProject. I can't wait to see them bloom.
    LOVE the early peonies and lupins. I'm amazed to see them in bloom already. Wish I could be there for your tour. Enjoy all your visitors this summer! HUGS to you and Andrew,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  9. Oh Carolyn, the fragrance of those peonies must be divine. Pretty, pretty, pretty, every single bloom! An earthly paradise is what you have! Susan

  10. Always love a meander through your gardens, I didn't realize you had that many peonies. I read on FB when Victoria magazine featured the article on your gardens that someone asked if you give tours. Hopefully she found out.
    This is the wettest spring for us and my gardens look like a jungle in our small subdivision property. Several spring perennials, including lupines elude me as the rabbits keep eating them back to nothing. :-(
    Happy Gardening Carolyn.

  11. How often is your garden open to visitors - do you do drop ins?

  12. Thank you so much for posting these lovely photos! I just love looking at your gardens. I have been in love with Prince Edward Island since I was a little girl. And will have to enjoy it through your blog. :) Kit

  13. It is all just stunning! I could "wander" there for hours... wish so much I lived closer for your tour, but alas.. I live in Oregon, a long ways away! When I lived in eastern Washington state, wild lupins grew everywhere! There were fields and fields of them up closer to the mountains. It was amazing. I would love to have some in my yard and will someday. It is so lush and green there and every single flower takes my breath away! My favorite part of gardening is the puttering and weeding and fixing, once everything is in and planted, etc. Do you have to water everything or is there enough "natural rain" there to take care of it? Take care! Marilyn

  14. Hi Angela,
    No, I never heard of that book but I will have to check it out. The lupins are amazing here on the Island now.

    Hi Faith,
    Sorry we don't do drop ins.....summer is busy and goes by so quickly.
    We are having an Open Garden July 4th in the evening and will try to have another in August.

    Thank you everyone for your nice comments!

  15. Hi Marilyn,
    Mountains covered in lupins would be a beautiful sight!
    No, we don't have to water the garden we normally get enough
    rain. We only water planters and windowboxes.
    Happy gardening!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
