Thursday, April 20, 2017

Coming Soon !

         Hello everyone,

           Although it has been cooler here the past
      few days the garden is growing daily.
    At this time of year there is a lot of 
    brown in the garden but in my minds
eye I am seeing the beauty that is
coming soon!

I love the riot of color that early
spring brings each year.

Our hillside garden is a mass of daffodils
every spring.

It doesn't take long for the
ground to be covered with
perennials of  all kinds.

A watering can filled with a 
fresh bouquet of colorful

                                                                     This is one of my favorite
                                                                     spring shots.

                                                      This enclosed garden called
                                                                Martha's Garden is a favorite
                                                                spring spot to have tea or lunch
                                                                in the garden as it is sheltered.

                                                                 So, how is your garden doing?
                                                                   I hope you are enjoying some
                                                                warm sunny days with lots of
                                                                promise for beauty to come....soon!

                                                                Thank you for visiting and for
                                                                your lovely comments on my last post.



  1. Oh my God. What o beautiful garden.
    I'm deligted:)

  2. Hello!
    Spring is beautiful in your garden. You are a fantastic gardener.
    I really like watching your garden.

  3. Dear Carolyn,
    your garden looks wonderful! So many beautiful spring flowers! I especially like the last two pictures. I love the enclosed garden with the mirror!
    Best wishes,

  4. I like your most favorite. Very nice

  5. Wow!Very very beautiful!I am delighted with your gorgeous garden!Thanks for sharing!

  6. Your garden is beautiful! I received my copy of Victoria magazine today and saw that you and your beautiful property were featured! How wonderful! It would be lovely to be able to meet you sometime and see your garden. I live in Fredericton on Fredericton Station Road. Have a great weekend!

    Linda - from

  7. Beautiful...I love the yellow and orange combination!!!

  8. A "riot of color" is so right!

    Spring there has to be beyond stunning.

    Happy gardening! : - )

  9. A cheerful way to start the day. Thanks, Carolyn! XO
    I saw in your previous post that you featured the pretty teacup "Royal Albert American Beauty." Glad that it made it safely from St. John's to Quebec City to PEI! Lol And, who knows from where it traveled before that because I found it in an antique store. Oooo, if only teacups could talk, my friend! So much history embedded in their pretty porcelain rims...EnJOY!
    Wishing you and Andrew a beautiful weekend,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  10. Absolutely gorgeous, Carolyn! Thank you for the inspiration. I am planning a large new bed and thinking ahead, was trying to figure out what color tulips would look best with an abundance of daffodils. You have helped me decide! 😊

  11. My garden is also a riot of color. It is like "as if by magic" overnight it turns to spring and beauty.

  12. Just gorgeous Carolyn! Have a blessed weekend ahead. xoxo

  13. just received my Victoria snd am always thrilled when our cradle i the waves is ever written about. I live in Schurman's Point now but gor decades we lived in my husbands heritage family home our son bought it ftom. us and it is in Linkletter Community and yes we are Linkletter's... Your gardens are amazing....
    I wish I had green in my thumbs but alas I do not......
    Can people visit your gardens?

  14. Dear Carolyn,
    it is also cold here in North-Germany, at the North-Sea.
    We are waiting for the flowering spring, too.
    Thank you for your dreamlike photos and let us hope together,
    that this beauty will be back in a short time.
    Best wishes, Siret

  15. My garden came up timidly and then it got 80 degrees and it just popped in one week and now there are tulips with perennials! It is so green! I just love spring and your garden Carolyn. The orange and yellow are so pretty!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
