Monday, April 3, 2017

A Spring Tea

      Hello everyone,

  This week it seems more like spring here
as the temperatures are rising and snow
      is melting. I saw some snowdrops blooming
         in the garden and I look forward to having our
   own hyacinths and tulips blooming but for
             now I am happy to have some store bought ones.

Yesterday, my sister in law/friend
came over for afternoon tea so I
     used my newest thrift store teacups.
      A couple of spring bouquets and we
       were all set to enjoy our scones and tea.

Tea in our kitchen/dining room.


                                                                      I hope you have a great week
                                                                                and thank you for visiting me.
                                                                                                 Take care,


  1. Ho Carolyn. Love the pretty teacup trio...I would have come home with that one too! Have a lovely week and enjoy spring!

  2. I'm looking forward to the return of your glorious garden! Barbara

  3. At last, I feel like spring is finally here! Your posies and china look lovely and I'm sure your guest enjoyed her tea time in your new china. Aqua is so pretty. Have a wonderful week, Carolyn.


  4. Hi Carolyn,
    I was on my way to Venice this weekend and with spring break traffic causing stop and go I was paying attention to license plates. I saw one from PEI and couldn't wait to look inside the car hoping to see you. I never forget our lovely time spent together when you came to Orlando a few years past. I am so bad about my blog now with pinterest and instagram and Facebook but seeing the license plate I thought it only right to let you know I was thinking of you and wishing you a lovely springtime and a very Happy Easter.

  5. I will have a great and happy week after seeing such beautiful post!Hugs,Maristella.

  6. How sweet Carolyn. It is always a pleasure visiting you.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
