Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Tea in the Sunroom

Hello everyone,

I hope your week is going well.
It was a beautiful sunny day so
a perfect day to have tea in the sunroom.

The sunroom has a cupboard
full of pink and white china.

                                                                  It is warm and sunny
                                                                  in here.

                                                       I am looking forward to my geraniums
                                                        blooming again after wintering in
                                                        the basement.I am slowly starting to
                                                        take them up for more light and heat.


My old cupboard holds a mix
of  vintage china with a few
new ones mixed in.
I probably should be purging
some of my china .....but that seems 
to be hard for me! Do you have
a china addiction too?

Vintage china with a few
new pieces mixed in.

                                                         Thank you for visiting me
                                                                    in our little sunroom today.

                                                                                   Take care,


  1. Such a lovely room and aren't we lucky to have this sunny, warm spell in the month of February? Your collection is lovely, I fully understand. I have chosen not to purge. Each piece has a memory attached and I want to look at it, use it and enjoy it. When I am gone someone else can do what they wish. Interestingly, I had this conversation with a friend just yesterday. She is battling a fatal illness and worries about her "collections." We resolved that while we are here, two months or two decades, our "stuff" is part of who we have been and who we are now. This is not a morbid resolution by any means, it is one full of hope and happiness because we like our collections no matter what they are. Have a wonderful day. ps: as a statement of faith we added to her collection yesterday. If that isn't a positive message I don't know what is!

  2. Love the rose motif everywhere one looks. I bring my geraniums into the cottage in the fall and sit them in my kitchen garden window. They thrive there and one of them has beautiful blossoms now. Flowers blooming indoors make me happy. I'm in the process of purging, but not my china and stoneware pieces. They bring too much joy into my life. Enjoy your beautiful sunroom. xo

  3. So, so beautiful.. I wish I would have had such kind of sun room in my house. But my house not much big to accommodate one sunroom..

    Please visit:

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  5. sempre meraviglie nei tuoi post! Un abbraccio lory

  6. I love your sunroom! Here in south Texas, my sunroom would have to be air conditioned. I could be a China-aholic . I wonder if my husband thinks I already am one. I'm not going to ask.

  7. So bright, cheery, and feminine... I love the pink and white together... very inviting!

  8. So white, romantic and lovely Carolyn.

    Nice day


  9. It looks so pretty all pink and white in the late winter sunshine. I love the wall cabinet filled with all your pretty china too. I had to stop collecting as I don't have room to store it.

  10. How lovely! I am definitely a collector of china and have multiple sets of blue and white. Oddly enough, I dont really have much in the way of pink and white. I may have to remedy that in the near future. Purge china?! Surely you jest...


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
