Saturday, February 18, 2017

Garden Dreaming

Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your
weekend. It is a long weekend
here, as Monday is family day.
Last week with all the snow storms
school was cancelled 4 days so it was quite
a week . 

However, with the days getting longer
and the sun stronger I find myself
doing a little garden dreaming
over a cup of tea and a
lovely new garden design book
 that I was asked to do a review on
and I am happy to have it added to 
my garden library. 

So dream along with

I love purple in the garden
so alliums are a perfect choice.


                                                                      Lots of good ideas for color
                                                                       combinations for different
                                                                       styles of gardens.

                                                             I love this book because there are over
                                                             300 pages of beautiful ideas for the garden
                                                            with a little description of each photo and
                                                             to me a picture is worth a thousand words!
                                                             My pictures don't do the book justice but I
                                                             really recommend this book to all you
                                                             gardeners out there.

                                                                              Garden Design
                                                                                          A Book of Ideas

                                                                                      by  Heidi Howcroft  &
                                                                                                   Marianne Majerus.

                                                                                                            A Firefly Book
                                                            It is available at Firefly but I am sure many local
                                                            book stores have it as well.

                                                               Transferware tea cup and pretty purple

Now, for a little garden dreaming
from our garden.

   I love lupins and look forward to their
return every year.

Peonies are so beautiful and
we have them spread all around
our garden .

I love the abundance of blooms
in the late July garden.

Are you dreaming of your garden too.....
maybe staring to count the days until
you can get out there?


  1. Yes, I have been dreaming of gardens too! We are building a new house right now and I just can't wait to get my hands in the dirt and begin transforming the new place. I would love to have gardens as elaborate as yours. It just gets a little too hot here in Texas but I do pretty well considering. :)

    Alliums are on my list of plants to have at the new house. I've never planted them.

  2. GOOOD MORNING, Carolyn!
    It is that time of year again when we get the "gardening itch" isn'i it! LOL Love the lupins, too, & that urn you have! I will have a search for the book. Thanks for sharing it. I was both surprised/shocked & delighted to learn that a photo of our garden that I recently shared on my FB page will be used to promote a landscaping worksop in PEI in March and also #PinkDaysInBloom! Who knew! LOL
    Wishing you a peaceful Sunday,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  3. I love purple in the garden, too. It compliments every other color so well. I garden in Southern California, where I manage a little farm at my kid's school. We grow lots of cut flowers (our best cash crop) and are currently cutting loads of ranunculus and anemones. Tulips, soon! Our gardens never look as gorgeous as yours, though. I think that yours benefit from that nice winter break. I'd like a nice winter break, too! Maybe I'd have time to learn to quilt! Thanks for sharing! Barbara

  4. Funny you mention garden dreaming - not a half hour ago I was thumbing through our first Burpee catalogue of the season - and dreaming I was!

    It's one of my husband's favorite things is to look through it too.

    Your pics are lovely and give me such inspiration.

    Have a wonderful day and week, Carolyn!

  5. Wonderful post! Here in southeast PA we are mid 60s today and have only seen about 4" total of snow all season😢 It might as well be spring if we are not gonna have any white stuff! I was wondering, what are the tall, white flowers in your 4th picture after the pictures of the book? How tall are they? I look forward to hearing from you🙂

  6. Hi Carolyn.... yes I'm doing a little garden dreaming.. thanks to your gorgeous garden! This time of year I'm usually not quite ready for it.. as just finishing up with the winter/christmas holidays and all that involves and doing cleanup in the garage, putting decorations away, etc... then I need a couple of months to get revived.. but your pictures make me WANT flowers again! On the days here when the sun shines, I (almost) want to get outside and do a few things.. but not quite yet! Maybe another month I'll be ready. Your gardens always inspire me! I must have lupines this year and peonies! Hugs from central Oregon

  7. Hi Lisa,
    The tall white flowers in our garden are Monkshood. I have lots of purple ones but also a few white ones. They are very easy to care for but I should warn you that they are poisonous if ingested so if you have pets or little ones that might be a problem. Otherwise, they are easy and can be divided every year or not, whichever you prefer.They grow to be 4 or 5 feet tall and there are a few different varieties.
    Enjoy your early spring weather!

  8. Hi Carolyn,
    Your gardens are so lovely. I love your purple transferware. That must be hard to find because it is so unusual. The purple tulips are perfect. Enjoy your Family day. My hubby never gets the holiday unfortunately because he is federal. Are you counting down the days till springtime? I know I can't wait.


  9. Thank you Carolyn for the response! I do have a dog so I may have to hold off😢 I'll just have to keep an eye out for them in your pics for now!


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
